2020 Senate + House Races

Kobach is going to lose tonight. Lol Kobach.

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Missouri passed Medicaid expansion.

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lol Dems. No way we flip that seat now.

Progressive challenger in Missouriā€™s 1st district has unseated the 10 term incumbent.


I just looked to see who it is and itā€™s Cori Bush beating Clay!!! Letā€™s goooooooo! Score one for perseverance!!!

(Sheā€™s one of the candidates in Knock Down the House who loses her primary. Clay is the one who basically inherited the seat from his father.)


Do we have an lolNYTtimes thread?



lol - imagine being so awful that you feel the need to ā€œoutflankā€ your primary opponent to the right, to get closer to Trump.


I donā€™t lol things that allow getting shares at like 92 still this week.

You can still probably get Omar at 93 or something. She pulled off funneling a million to her husband but thatā€™s probably legal and thatā€™s sad. Sheā€™s not losing of course.

I get the Minn NBC feed in Canada and its nothing but ads for her opponent

Lets go look at Amy McGraths current twitter





I get that trying to campaign during a pandemic is suboptimal. But yeah. Thanks for playing Amy.

It seems like the move is to just go almost full digital. Like 90-95%.

almost 100%

Amy digital ads Iā€™ve seen in living Kentuckyā€¦

Iā€™m not remembering anyā€¦

So what happened here is that the ā€œjournalistsā€ at the NYT talked to someone on the Jones team and just reported their statements as facts, right?

Seems like it, the articleā€™s all just peopleā€™s feelings on why they think their candidate is most likely to win aside from this paragraph

Observers expect Tuesdayā€™s primary to be close as well. But Michigan voters may not know the winners of this and many other races on election night because of a surge in absentee voting.

ā€œObserversā€. Well ok then must be true!

If they are the Observers from Fringe, then weā€™d be onto something.

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I live in her district and Iā€™ve noticed the same thing, the guy is going crazy with the radio ads. I havenā€™t looked at his positions at all but Iā€™m going to just default Omar because lol males



I really donā€™t know what she can do to win that race. Booker had no chance either but heā€™d be priced higher than mcgrath simply because the internet is a bubble.

Even single digit polling is nowhere near good enough in KY. Dem numbers about right, Rā€™s get the rest happens in a lot of these polls in red states Iā€™ve noticed.

Trump only 49-47 approval in both KY/SC canā€™t be right.

editā€“looked at the data, itā€™s definitely too low for Rā€™s in KY. Really though if it did end up single digits, thatā€™s actually good.