2020 Senate + House Races

To be fair there are a lot of Kansas Democrats involved with that

Ugh, what a bad idea. While Kobach lost in 2018, this cycle he’ll be running as Trump/Pence/Kobach 2020. An impossible amount of ticket splitting would be required for the Democrat to win the seat, as Joe Biden isn’t coming close in Kansas.

I think you underestimate how much people in Kansas hate Kobach.

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Kansas is (chef’s kiss) for GOP idiocy. They elected a true believer as governor and boy did they not like the result.

Also even by current GOP standards Kobach is a complete scumbag. Yet another Harvard grad, along with Tom Cotton, Liar Barbie, Ted Cruz and a bunch of other racist right-wing assholes who hate “the elite”

Anyone see any surprises here? Glad to see my guy Ammar’s name on the list, as well as Candace Valenzuela, who I did some phone banking for a couple weeks ago.


I’m assuming his endorsements are mostly for either new primary winners or for people with slightly competitive to competitive seats.

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The primary for MA’s 1st congressional district has the potential for another young blood upset. Richard Neal - ancient incumbent famous for sandbagging subpoenas for Trump’s tax returns and making it illegal for the government to offer free online tax filing - is being challenged by Alex Morse. Alex was elected mayor of Holyoke at 22 and reelected twice.

I’ve already been canvassed by Morse’s campaign, received 2 flyers in the mail, and seen a lot of yard signs, so he has some infrastructure backing him up. Neal has countered with his own mailing and more signs than I’ve ever seen from him. This is the first time I’ve seen Neal put any real effort into a campaign, so they’re clearly worried.

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Yeah, I know Texas’s primary was recent, and just looking at CA, it’s all races (for House) that were flipped or came close in 2018.

Just like the presidential, I highly doubt Obama will come out and endorse someone before they win their primary race. It makes no political sense for him to do so.

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Are those total and complete endorsements from Obama?


I saw a headline that he didn’t endorse AOC from Fox News on msn today. That’s part of why I think he’s not just endorsing everyone who’s up.

He’s endorsing people who might need a boost, I think. AOC will win her district easily. This is pretty common for groups and bigwigs who hand out endorsements. They try to go for candidates they think might need the help…or they try not to overlap with other organizations/bigwigs as much as they can.

Some are obviously going to be endorsed by everyone, but other, overlooked races are what I’m talking about.

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for example:

Warren’s PAC has endorsed a bunch of candidates (some pre-primary, but she has that luxury since it’s not as important for her to be seen as the party unifier)

Pete’s PAC has also endorsed a bunch, many of them further down the ballot than House or Senate:

Another reason they try to cover people who might not get much attention is money, ldo. People who donate to Warren’s PAC are effectively donating to all her candidates…and a lot of them are candidates that might get overlooked by the DNC and its various election arms when they hand out money.

Sorta weird to see a huge list for texas that doesn’t include the senate race or my house district. Makes me wonder where it came from.

Dammit I was gonna say that joke.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the DNC:


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I mean, you cant honestly be surprised about that

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Dems need to move even more right



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But Booker would have only been 12 points behind!!!

Anyone giving money to Dems in KY is a rube, no matter who the candidate is.


Doubt it has any impact on the race but I love to see the WNBA players anti endorsing a team owner.
