2020 Senate + House Races

I’m legit surprised she’s turning on Mitch.



In before Ann Coulter is co-hosting an MSNBC morning show with Bill Kristol and Michael Steele.


It’s a grift. It’s always been a grift. I don’t think she’s a true believer.

Has Carville ever been right about anything? His takes are usually awful and arrogant. Would be great if he proved me wrong but lol at 58.

He’s not an analyst, he’s a carnival barker.


He is an absolute quack. He also hates progressives and progressive policies. Basically, he is against any policy that helps the poor and lower class at the expense of the rich. He might as well be a Republican.


He works for who he works for. Poor people aren’t paying him anything.

His basis for 58 seats was “look on 538 and RCP” btw. About what I’d expect from a Dem strategist/consultant.

lmao Cornyn is so fucking dumb

I can’t stand it when supposed Dems are so hostile toward progressive ideas. I totally understand if someone doesn’t think some progressive policy is realistic. Totally get it. But the policies are almost always wonderful ideas aimed at actually helping people.

If someone said something like, “I love the idea and am totally on board with what you are going for, but I’m not sure it’s completely realistic right now. Perhaps if we started here…and built up to that…” I would at least think the person is being reasonable. But dismissing progressive ideas out-of-hand is just galling to me.


Well, at least in the US this is from pure post-Citizens United dystopian buying of politicians. The eDems accept a lot of money from rich folks to stamp out progressive ideas before they take hold on the public consciousness

Today we celebrate the end of the career of jefferson beauregard sessions III right?


Could have been Senator for life. LOL working for Trump. Dumbass


It’s just great that we’re going to end up running someone who has literally never won an election against him. Someone who voted for carly fiorina in 2016 after fiorina had dropped out???

I hope Sessions wins just to see Trump’s reaction.

Unfortunately, I don’t think there was really another viable candidate like Booker in KY. Beto for some reason refused to run, and he actually might have been able to win this one, who the fuck knows. I’m not saying he’s ideologically better, but he has at least been a US Rep.


Given current events, Beto would have crushed this election. Even without COVID, Beto made a galactically stupid decision to run for POTUS instead of Cornyn’s seat. He’s dead to me now. :slight_smile:


I’ve done some phone banking for Jaime Harrison, and attended a Zoom fundraiser where he spoke and answered questions. He’s really good. Like, I-wish-he-wasn’t-stuck-in-SC good.