2020 Senate + House Races

I think it is as simple as Beto thinking that being President is super cool, way cooler than Senator.




Tommy Tub of Shit

I would literally punch that guy until my knuckles broke


At least he produced a top 5 DVaut1 post of all time


I’ll happily read your other top 4 if you have links, regardless of their topic.

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Tuberville’s lol victory speech: “the 2nd Amendment ain’t even in Doug Jones’ Constitution! GUNZZZZZ!!!”

This redneck will soon comprise 1% of the most powerful deliberative legislative body in the country maybe on earth hooray us.




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Get ol Tubby where it hurts



Yiiiikes. Bet the AL GOP wishes that Sessions had won now lol.

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Alabama Democrats bringing the heat!

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I came here to post that. As ridiculous as it is, it’s probably a solid messaging strategy for the south

Tuberville has NOTHING but that (R) next to his name I’m telling you guys, he’s trash. Obviously that doesn’t necessarily make him vulnerable in Ala freakin Bama but still, he’s a god awful candidate

Damn, that’s legit good.

Put those people in charge of more things.

Serial child molester, an isolated child molester would have won in a landslide


Also it was a special election.

Trump is going to be on the ballot this time. He’s leading Biden 55-41 in a recent poll there.

So for Jones to win he’s going to need every Biden voter PLUS like 1 out of every 7 Trump voters. Seems unlikely.

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Tuberville at least early on would’ve been loved by general 2p2, he went for it on fourth downs and he did very well against top competition. His problem was his random inexplicable losses. He ended up a clear winner overall, despite well, nobody in their right mind trusting him but that style tends to end up in charge and good for recruiting because those types will say anything it takes. They’re very good at it.

Collins must be getting wrecked since she’s coming out demanding 16 debates.

I was thinking about that today. Is it easier for a Democrat to win a race in a red state during mid-term/special elections (and obviously Republican in a blue state). I imagine it would, but not sure if there is data to support that.