2020 Senate + House Races

Ya hate to see it:

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We should do a pool on which Republican official or conservative commentator calls the Democrats anti-women over this.

After precise calculations I have determined that the answer isā€¦all of them.


I meant to say first. Oops.

Not only Senate but tragic death yada yada yada





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You hate to see it.

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Last night Carville said (I think it was last night, the days blend) the Senate is GONE. He said the question now is whether the Democrats win 54 seats or 58 seats (!). Thatā€™s some good optimism right there.

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Iā€™d love for him to point out what states besides the obvious ones he thinks might flip, bc even 54 (let alone 58 lol) seems insane to me. I do think weā€™re the fav to hold the majority post-election, but Iā€™m thinking at 51 seats or maybe 52.

Of course I hope heā€™s right.

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Neither 54 nor 58 is likely

I think I had best case estimate a few months ago at 53-47 Dems with Jones a loss. I donā€™t have the time right now to see which ones I think he thinks will flip, but maybe will tonight. I will not be able to resist lapping up the sweet salty tears if Sessions wins the primary and loses the general.

I think Carvilleā€™s rosy picture is probably based off of how badly the GOP is effing up the pandemic response related to money. By September, if nothing is done, heā€™s probably going to be right. McConnell canā€™t tell people in Kentucky heā€™s bringing back the pork if everyoneā€™s homeless (which is why the GOP will do some half-measure thatā€™s just enough to ensure his re-election but wonā€™t do anywhere near as much as it should).

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Carville seems unaware that GA is literally rigged



That would require:
Keeping everything (including LOL Alabama)
Flipping the ā€œeasyā€ ones: CO/ME/AZ
Flipping the tossups: NC/MT
Next level: GAx2/IA

And even that is only 55.

To get to 58, you need all of that plus 3 weird ones from places like AK/TX/SC/KS.

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I donā€™t think he thinks Jones is going to win that seat, soā€¦

Alaska and SC are on the outside edge of possible.

Nothing I have seen from Kansas makes that look possible

I think any Kansas in play is based on Kris K Kobach getting the nom.

Yes thatā€™s exactly what I said in my post.

Or maybe heā€™s being overly optimistic and he does :smirk:

A couple of polls whose veracity Iā€™ve not bothered to verify have recently showed Jones in a dead heat with Tuboshit, based on his apparent ethical issues, some kind of hedge fund fraud/scam he was ties to or something. Iā€™m not even sure why it was polled that way given that the primary hasnā€™t even happened yet so Tuboshit isnā€™t the nominee at this point.

A few weeks back I think he conceded Jones was going to lose that seat, but hey Alabama has surprised us once and maybe THEY CAN DO IT AGAIN.

Good news! The DNCā€™s centrist fighter pilot lady has captured the support ofā€¦one second hereā€¦Ann Coulter!
