2020 Senate + House Races



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Hooooooooooooooooleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey shit.

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From the same polls that has Trump behind in FL, NC, GA, TX,

Cunningham 39
Tillis 37

Perdue 45
Ossoff 42

Cornyn 46-47
Hegar/West 36-37

Cornyn outperforming Trump by net 11 while Cunningham not outperforming Biden is a bit fishy.

Cornyn isn’t really out performing Trump. Many people still don’t know who Hegar or West is and that’s why they are under-performing Biden.

Kinda nervous thinking about what the GOP will do if polling continues to trend this way for R’s.

Its super obvious that they will end up with one polling station per state because covid or something

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the raw numbers added today that put booker in the lead moved the predict it market toward mcgrath. now roughly 50/50.

Yeah she’s gonna win because everyone voted too soon. Then she’s gonna run a ton of insincere breathy ads that annoy the fuck out of everyone who has buyer’s remorse and they’ll stay home in November.

Yeah I put money on her on Predictit. That being said I will be happy to lose. Also, I wouldn’t recommend following my Predictit bets.

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I’d almost rather see Mitch as minority leader to witness the take no prisoners Dems weaponizing Mitch’s own shameless tactics against oh never mind lol democrats


Seems like a solid time to put the SCOTUS filibuster back in place


A few takeaways from this.

(1) Jones’s strategy for KY is pretty much correct. You have to win the two cities by largest possible margins and ship a good chunk of the Eastern Coalfields. Damage control the Cinci burbs. That is the only winning formula. He nails the problems with the McGrath persona and why she can’t deliver. I honestly don’t think she’s best-suited for any single one of the objectives given her returns.

(2) As I suspected, Schumer views politics on a one-dimensional scale of liberalism to conservatism. That is the basis of the median voter theorem and Downsian model of elections. A general result in Downsian toy games is that (at least) one of the two candidates should move toward the middle to scoop moderate voters. It usually requires the assumption that voters have single-peak preferences along a one-dimensional well-ordered set. That is incongruent with reality and why “moving to the middle to win all of the voters” has been an unmitigated disaster for forty years. The correct solution is more like trying to find the optimal geometric shape in 7D space.

In other words, Schumer is playing 1D chess. He’s a political Flatlander.


:+1: I don’t remember exactly what happened to Jones. We’ll have to call in @Chuckleslovakian for that one.

Basically he could never get 100% committed to running against Moscow, and he believed you had to be 100%. More than anything he was worried about the collateral damage to his friends, family, and business.

Good read, thanks for posting. Pretty stunned that Wall Street darling Chuck Schumer thinks that everyone else thinks of him as very progressive.

:+1:I was reading that Schumer piece thinking this is exactly how I’d caricaturize him in an over-the-top satire.


Matt Jones doesn’t have an electronic copy of the book he wrote?

Yeah I paused to think how I’d rate each one, Schumer was a 57. Hillary was a 65, Warren an 85. Cruz was 15, McConnell was 25.