2020 Senate + House Races

But Trump bad. TRUMP BAD!

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At this stage in the race, I don’t think anybody doubts that pro Biden ads will do a better job persuading the people who watch them than anti-Trump ads. It’s just way harder to get people to watch a pro Biden ad. I’ve seen quite a few but they pretty much have to be bland, forgettable and have zero potential to go viral like Mourning in America.

Pro-Biden ads do less than anti-Trump ads in garnering media attention and shaping the narrative.

We should also consider that there’s nothing pro-biden to say :(


He’s not Donald Trump.


Kind of. I don’t like the eDems, but they at least acknowledge reality. Science Is Real is as good a slogan as anything.

Wow Booker is now ahead of McGrath on Predictit

Funny, this is the first time I have seen top Unstuck politics ad being pro Amy. Amy is really feeling the heat

How many people already mailed in their ballots in KY?

Polls don’t matter if the people responding to them can’t even vote





Things I didn’t realize about McGrath:

  1. She attended MCAS Miramar (same one Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer attended).

  2. Her call sign was Krusty. Yes, that Krusty, because her hair stuck out of her helmet.

  3. She didn’t actually pilot the combat missions. She was a weapons system officer that rained fireballs of death from the back seat. She never claimed to have piloted the missions though. That’s a brilliant play by Schumer because we know that she can only be thanked for her service, not questioned about it by cartoon bigots:


To recap, I published a number of articles in multiple Kentucky newspapers exposing the fact McGrath had never piloted an aircraft in combat. My findings were not disputed by McGrath (I have now reached out to her campaign on a half-dozen occasions without receiving a reply) and the conclusions of my initial investigation were confirmed in the 18 October 2018 Edition of the Lexington Herald-Leader:

The very first clue I had concerning what McGrath did or did not do in service was connected to the fact there’s not a single photograph in existence of a Marine F/A-18D fighter jet stenciled with her name outside the pilot’s seat. I believe further probable cause exists to establish that Amy McGrath has never piloted a military aircraft operationally (only “piloting” for training purposes). Why’s that significant? It’s significant because US taxpayers forked out more than a million dollars for her pilot flight training.

Of course, the absence of a “Goose” to McGrath’s “Krusty” (e.g., Top Gun’s fictional F-14 WSO “Goose” to pilot “Maverick”) could also indicate McGrath either didn’t prove to be a competent front seater; or she was one of the early props in the (on-going) Pentagon women “warriors” charade. If she was an example of the latter, it would further support this old combat arms drill sergeant’s long-held contention we should abolish all male/female sports classifications for a minimum period of one calendar year; after which time we may then have an adult conversation about the roles of men and women in uniform and the serious reality of its impact on our national security.

Or–now hear me out–it could also indicate that her sexist superiors wouldn’t allow her to pilot the missions because none of them actually believe women can do a man’s work like flying airplanes. But I’ll concede that a grand Jew conspiracy originating from the Pentagon to promote women warriors into managerial positions at Comet Ping Pong is theoretically possible.

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This is House not Senate but let me complain anyway.

Tomorrow I get to choose between the Dem that wants to phase in M4A and lost to the current Rep by 6 or the Dem that wants a public option. The Dems aren’t sending their best!

Phased-in M4A is still M4A and probably still an above-average outcome.

Yeah I’ll vote for that but she lost by 6 last time

Maybe she lost by 6 last time, but compare that to how much the Democrat lost by in the previous two elections. Maybe you should think of it as a contest between the choice of local party officials vs. the person endorsed by activist groups.

It’s been a weird district the past few cycles. Can you explain how it votes?

i love these old guys who cannot fathom a democrat in the military, so they have to try to swiftboat anyone who claims to be so.

Bro hears what he wants to hear, then tries to make shit fit his narrative.

When a rocket is coming at your bird, the WSO is in as much danger as the pilot. Ugh, this is the same fucking shit we saw in the Air Force. Being a WSO doesn’t mean you failed out of pilot training.

Right, the idea that the WSO isn’t a “fighter pilot” is patently ridiculous.

Not senate, but I really hope this works: