2020 Senate + House Races



It should be pointed out that Gillum, Abrams, and Nelson all obviously won their elections and were defrauded.


Misspelled Clinton also

Michigan Democrats are incompetent if they aren’t showing up with barrels of lighter fluid.

Just because it’s not true nationally or in general doesn’t mean it’s not true in some places. Also just because it’s true in some places doesn’t mean every progressive has a better chance than every moderate.

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That’s awesome. Democrats should start running that, and then when Trump makes fun of Graham, just start cutting ads of the two of them ripping each other to shreds and make sure there’s one on every commercial break on every channel in South Carolina from August til November. Make sure every Republican knows they’re either for Trump or Graham, but not both.

It’s win-win!

No one is for Graham down here, trust me. But they’d rather have an insincere lap dog for Trump than someone that will work against him openly. There’s a lot of awareness on this issue and a lot of my conservative acquaintances worked hard to primary him.

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I dunno why you’re responding to me because I never made that argument. I’m saying they basically have the same chance controlling for candidate quality so run your best candidates. Don’t run lab-created political Frankensteins that are two parts soccer mom, one part Top Gun, and Russian quaaludes to taste. They’ve been running this set piece for 40 years and lost to a second teevee star who asked the military to murder civilians.


The text messages, which were obtained by The Associated Press, were from a group chat involving Janicek and five other people, including the female staffer. At one point, he wrote that he had argued with her and then asked whether the campaign should spend money on “getting her laid.”

“It will probably take three guys,” he wrote, before describing in graphic detail an imagined group sex scene involving the female staffer.

He then tried walk back those comments as “a joke,” and texted an apology to the group.

“I’m going on no sleep and a bunch of exuberant excitement and I think I was out of line,” he wrote.

In a brief phone interview, Janicek said he doesn’t plan to drop out of the race. He alleged that the party was targeting him because he disagreed with its more liberal activists on issues such as abortion rights and gun control.

House rather than Senate race but this would be great if accurate.


“They don’t really want to kick me off the ticket for personal reasons, don’t let them fool you, they really dislike me because of policy reasons” is an all-time weird defense

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The liberals aren’t trying to take me down for sexually harassing my female staffers with misogynistic jokes! No, no, they’re trying to take me down because I’m against women’s reproductive rights! TOTALLY DIFFERENT!


My friend @ Cook moved Montana to toss up this morning


They get a B/C grade as a pollster from 538 and don’t seem to have done statewide Kentucky polls before so take it with a grain of salt



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McConnell will go nowhere. Same with Graham. Unfortunately. A more realistic goal is just taking a small majority

I agree on McConnell but disagree on Graham. KY is about 5-8 points redder than SC.

Trump won with 62.5% and SC with 55%. In 2018, for Congress, KY was 59.6 - 39 while SC was 54.3 - 44.4.

Even with a monster wave, KY is not in play, but SC could be (you would obviously need huge D/black turnout). I wouldn’t advocate putting lots of resources into SC, but neither should they ignore it.

On the other hand, I think every dollar sent to beat McConnell is a dollar wasted.


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