2020 Senate + House Races

Are you really not going to sleep until election? Terrible idea




Haha no, I exaggerated. Maybe 4-5 hours a night? We have an all-team call that usually lasts until 10:30, then I try to prep for the next day, which takes a couple hours.

We’ve helped so many people over the past few days: finding their polling place, get their ballot(some hadn’t received them and we’re just… waiting?), how to vote, etc


No matter the result, congrats on an awesome effort.


You’re a god damn hero.


this is like the Avengers


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Really hope you get the payoff you deserve this week.


Really makes you wonder how much pull Fox has when they straight up tell their minions not to vote for Linzie and they’re like lolok

FNC tried to nuke the Trump campaign in the 2016 primary and failed miserably. Any suggestion Trump was foisted upon Republicans by conservative media is just plain wrong, this is what they want. Overwhelmingly.


Issa has spend $1.8M of his own money in the past week. Seems like panic to me. He’s literally making shit up and throwing it out there to see what will stick. Meanwhile we have some credible inside info that would sink him but no photo proof, so we can’t release it :frowning:


This seems really weird in a race where the latest poll (Survey USA - A rated) has him +11.

yeah, that poll is really weird. There’s no way our internals are off by 11 points.

Also, the Trump/Biden crosstabs are very odd, and don’t follow national trends at all. For example, Trump is winning with youth and women, but is only up by 4 points in the district.

My only guess is his campaign also thinks the poll is weird

Is there any legal way to recoup that money through for example future donations? Otherwise it‘s a giant red flag that someone is willing to spend more than the job pays.

theoretically, but no one is actually donating to him, at least not grassroots.

And yeah, it’s a huge red flag. He’s trying to buy the race by flooding the airwaves with ads and the streets with signs.

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Rick Scott spent $63,000,000 of his own money (well, really taxpayers’ money he stole from Medicare).


What if someone on a message board was given that information in secret and spread it all across the internet?

I mean, I can’t stop a whisper campaign

Someone tipped us that a certain former congressman is soliciting very very young “escorts” and bringing them to his condo on the beach in Oceanside.

very young.

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You just need to talk more about his laptop that contains documentation of those visits.

it’s frustrating because we actually looked into hiring a PI to go sit on the beach and point a camera into his condo, but it’s so fucking expensive we couldn’t swing it

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