2020 Senate + House Races

Being smarter than everyone else is a blessing and a curse.

If Maine is 100% white then thatā€™s probably true. Is it?

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95% white, 1% black, 1% Asian, 2% multiple races, rest split up < 1%.

And itā€™s like 94% non-Hispanic white, too.

WTF, the last governor of Maine was all in on racist garbage. Collins can once again GTFO.


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The only state whiter than Vermont.

Ernstā€™s best poll in forever. 12% undecided canā€™t be right. A+ rated


Thatā€™s a 7 point swing in that poll. We were +3.



Much more likely now that weā€™re looking at 49 or 50 seats and those Georgia runoffs being massive.

12% undecided?

Great, now I get to spend 3 days obsessing about late breaking racist midwest no college whites.

People in Iowa thought the race would decide the senate so they swung back to ernst is my guess.


IA 01 isnā€™t a rural district and was half that in 16.

So either we are getting absolutely crushed (lol polls again) or something weirdā€™s going on.

Thatā€™s the best pollster too so ugh.

On the other hand itā€™s 88% white.


Are we expecting any more polls out of Georgia before Tuesday? Would be really interesting to see if thereā€™s any movement toward Ossoff after he eviscerated Perdue the other day. Thatā€™s the kind of clip that gets a ton of local coverage.

Iā€™m more confident about picking off one of those two races than I am about Iowa at this point.

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Hopefully Nate weighs in on this poll.

He already did. Small sample, 7% MOE, etc. 1/20 polls will be outside the MOE so you get some weird results sometimes.

relax, you need to like at the sample size in these polls too. 800 voters is a small sample regardless of whether it is A+ or not

Ok going to tune out before any midnight release. Canā€™t handle it bad.

Lol, even QAnon hates Darrell Issa. Big drama in the 50th!

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