2020 Senate + House Races

I’m fairly sure the Dem just gets you a little buzzed to start and lets you sober up for a bit afterwards… Lindsay is just getting started. If you’re in trouble at 5 you’ll be under the table at the end of the next one in real trouble.

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flips it on

graham–“we didn’t put the bill up because chuck schumer blocked us from doing it”

now my brain has lost more brain cells than if I just got hammered

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you missed a drink after “ We will get through 2020.

Thought about it, it really depends how you take it. I don’t intend to die, so literally speaking lol…

the democratic party is led by bernie sanders

I’m now brain dead

He crushed that gun control answer

I feel like Harrison just doesn’t have it but that last answer is good.

You’re never going to like Harrison’s answers, hes running in a mostly white mostly republican state

it’s not his answers, whatever it is, he doesn’t have it, lots of guys don’t have it, I definitely don’t have it.

Dems suck like this, unless the opponent is an unreal lunatic, we need it or we lose in races like this. Maybe the wave in the south + people had enough of graham is enough but polling is more optimistic than I am in this race.

i know very little about Harrison and he deserves all the praise for keeping it competitive. Just don’t see any reason to bring up filibusters or whatever instead of shifting the focus back to Lindsey and his friends destroying the Senate and blocking the stimulus plan or whatever.

I always feel weird about these dem senators in red states who basically only ever get 1 term.


Yeah I’ll mostly agree, he isn’t an A+ candidate and I think he is going to lose. That said, he’s in an impossible spot in these debates.

nah, he’s doing important work even if loses. after this run, he would be at least 50% equity against scott, or any other less known republican. the whole state and Dem country knows who he is now. he might be a force in SC dem primary in four years should it somehow play out like that.

Jfc people complaining about Jaime bc he isn’t a super lefty in SC.

I have an idea. Let’s run a super lefty in SC and lose 58-40.

That’ll show em!


If this was geared toward me, you have no idea what my political leanings are.

He just isn’t the type of guy you listen to and instantly want to vote for is all which in SC might be the difference. Graham pulled off faking being a decent human being in that debate.

Would’ve said the same thing on Ossoff except GA is very winnable anyway. Perdue is weaker than graham is in a closer state, coming off insider trading accusations, got wrecked in the debate, and if that Kamala pronunciation didn’t make high enough turnout of a certain demographic to vote against him nothing I can do about it.

Honestly I don’t wanna scroll up. If you were whining about him saying he’s not for packing the courts then it was directed at you.

this forum forgets that candidates can reverse position once in office

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If there’s one thing I’ve learned from texting thousands of republicans in my district, it’s that the worst swear word in politics is “Pelosi”.

It’s complete derangement. Their new line is that Ammar is “funded by Pelosi” which has no meaning and even if it did, it wouldn’t be true.


God i hate how everything is level 1 here unless you explain every fucking word.

It was a bad answer imo because it was defensive and it brought up a completely unnecessary promise (not to cancel the filibuster).

Not a single person was whining about ”him not being a leftist”. We are running a Biden/Harris ticket ffs, that ship has sailed.
It was just a complicated answer that made no impact on anyone listening and played to lindsey’s strengths.