2020 Senate + House Races

That doesn’t mean more moderates (that might be susceptible to such messaging) flipped to vote Dem.
That could easily mean reliably Democratic voting demographics showed up in greater numbers for Obama than they did for Hillary.

It’s hard to imagine Booker drives turnout better than Obama. To win Kentucky you would need a perfect storm:
1). High Dem voter turnout
2). Low R voter turnout
3). Moderate and conservative independents flipping to vote (D)

2008 fulfilled 1 and 2 about as high as is possible and it wasn’t enough. I think the perfect storm required to elect Amy would look like this:

Huge numbers of non-cult Trump R and independent voters become disaffected after seeing the disastrous nationwide response to Covid, the economy in shambles, and an unhinged Trump. Many stay home, many vote third party, some vote for Amy thinking she’s not a typical Dem and will act like a Dem version of John McCain.

Dems and progressives, on the other hand, unite with few defectors in order to vote out Trump and punish McConnell, not because they believe in Amy particularly, but because they understand the dangers of letting the alternative succeed.

Even with all that it would be tough to win, which is why I compared it to an underpair catching running quads. Everything has to go right for Dems, wrong for McConnell and Trump, and even then no guarantee…

kentucky is projected to be a total wreck for dems on the state level this election. I’m just not buying it. neither arkansas tossup polling, that poll has 37% R’s, 30%D’s, doesn’t sound like a R/D election split there to me but I’d have to look it up and I don’t want to do that so moving on. A clinton losing arkansas by 25 or whatever that was then just 4 years later getting flipped D would be hilarious just from how much that should tilt the hell out of her.

Colorado shouldn’t be within 10 points, I don’t think R’s are gonna bother at this point.

I do remember a bredesen +1 poll out there in TN. This is the time of year dems always have some great polls, then it goes back a bit.

Maybe I’m a bit bearish because all the people with trump signs/flags around me have not taken them down. Not that I think they’d ever not vote for him but still not enough people against it to make them hide the damn things.

The question is whether she can get close enough for a scandal to bring down McConnell. Then, it just becomes a matter of finding or manufacturing that scandal.

McConnell had his closest race in 2008, when he won 53-47. Can this year be closer?



The pynchonesque name is the buried lede here.

triggering the libs by not voting. TAKE THAT LIBTARDS


I don’t think it matters who wins kentucky primary in the end. It’s only because mitch is so hated anyone’s even discussing it. Booker certainly has some support McGrath doesn’t but is the coal land part of the state gonna vote for green new deal guy and he needs those votes to have any chance.

edit–oh booker released his own internal down 7 in the primary, which means he’s down at least 10 still. Well that’s quite the improvement from like 25 down or whatever he was before at least I guess. I don’t know how much left he can get though.

We’ve debunked this moderate voter bullshit like a million times already. Perpetuating the myth that they exist is just stanning for corporations.

The entire 2018 election begs to differ

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Almost all the progressive candidates lost and tons of centrists won. That sucks but it is reality. Seems like dems should run progressives in safe districts and centrists in swing districts. The issue to me is that progressives are heavily underrepresented in the leadership.


House != Senate

Please show your evidence indicating the difference as it pertains to this discussion—I’d be happy to change my mind

Randy Bryce was one of the 2018 “progressive losses” in Wisconsin-1 which was Paul Ryan’s district rigged by Scott Walker in 2010.

Median income $67k, 80% white, 6% black, 10% Hispanic, Cook R+5. Affluent white suburbs that lean conservative.

Nearby is Wisconsin-4 (Milwaukee):

Median income $45k, 41% white, 33% black, 18% Hispanic, D+25. They picked this lady for Congress:

Here is Wisconsin-1’s pick:

And their previous pick:

But yeah cool narrative “progressives can’t win” when Randy Bryce loses the tax-obsessed Aryan suburbs strategically split off from the D+25 areas. You don’t see how that’s different from a statewide race? Scary progressive Tammy Baldwin won easily in Wisconsin. McCaskill, Heitkamp, Nelson, and Donnelly (the centristy centrists) got flipped for -2 net.

And besides that, nobody has laid out a theory of moderates that makes sense. There are two different types of moderates: voters and candidates. The myth that there’s this block of moderate voters who will reliably vote centrist has been written about before. See:

Pollsters are just averaging responses on a liberal ↔ conservative scale. Believe (a) in UBI and (b) that immigrants should be executed at the border? That’s a moderate! There are all kinds of people holding all kinds of crazy beliefs that identify as moderate, centrist, and independent. Like the article points out, they don’t quite have their ideological shit together like the people who have chosen sides. Dare I suggest it’s because they aren’t paying attention, don’t know the issues, and only tune in at the last second?

Like, yo dawg, a game show host is calling for the military to mow down protesters with war weapons and you’re holding out for…centrism? Where were all of these moderates in 2016? Of all the elections in American history, that one is the single best fit for moderates and centrists. It was an absolute no-brainer–the Queen La Femme Centrista herself versus a race-baiting misogynist who inherited a billion dollars and turned it into way less than that. Or remember that time W Bush killed a million Iraqis? Where were all the centrist voters on that one? Watching Collateral Murder and waiting for a GOPete/McMuffin ticket to sweep them off their feet with plenty bold policies and empty platitudes about working together and shapes of democracy?

To be clear about what I’m saying, moderates did not vote for Trump. That’s an intellectual no-fly zone. The only possible argument there is that conservative Republicans voted for Trump who may be enticed by moderate Democrats now from having buyer’s remorse. Why would you court them though? The competing theory is that moderate Dems who didn’t vote in 2016 showed up in 2018. That’s also a tough sell because where the fuck were they all the other times they could have elected cold oatmeal instead of letting the world burn?


“Moderate”: I’m gonna pull the lever for this leopard and see what happens. Haha look it’s eating that black guy’s face. Great. Oh shit it just ate that Latino baby whole! This is amazing! Wait, it’s coming right at me. Somebody get me the fuck out of here!

Dems: I might be able to help. Did you vote for the leopard?

“Moderate”: Never leopard. I swear.

Dems: Then vote for this golden retriever.

“Moderate”: How about a wolf?

Claire McCaskill: You know, golden retrievers are just the shittiest animals.


This ad probably doesn’t help Biden, but it might help Graham’s Dem challenger in SC.

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Do you count the Gillum and Abrams losses as going 0/2 for progressives while Sinema and Rosen went 2/2 in pickup oprtunities? And Tammy Baldwin is progressive? I see her ranked 23th most liberal senator which is pretty much exactly in the middle of the democratic party and right next to Amy Klobauchar.

Edit: misread

That would be a strange way to analyze it pitting gubernatorial against Senate candidates while omitting a failed moderate pickup (Bredesen). I don’t really see the significance of a “pickup” anyway if you get picked off elsewhere for a net loss. Seems like the kind of framing Third Way would invent.

Short of modeling from a huge data set, I’d look for in-state comparisons. That’s why I used Baldwin and Bryce (they were absolutely viewed as progressives). Comparing Gillum to Sinema doesn’t make much sense to me. Comparing Gillum to Bill Nelson makes more sense. McGrath against herself from two years ago as well.

You’re the one claiming progressives will do much better than centrists. We’re all just saying the data doesn’t support that. No progressive won a competitive statewide election in 2018 and a ton of centrists did. Moderate losses in a vacuum is unfair because progressives (top 25% of dems in terms of liberalness ) didn’t have any successful defenses in 2018 in Trump states to begin with.


A lot of this OMG so and so did well is simply noise vs the left candidate’s most important quality for winning and far more people care about that over ideology–how good the candidate is (either charisma or as a person, whatever that shit is)

This narrative there are no swing voters is total BS though, there’s always a bunch of them.

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