2020 Senate + House Races

That might have won him the race. Savage.

Do people who see this and still vote for Perdue root for the corrupt 60-ish white guy corporate villains in movies?


Holy shit what if you could combine the Jeb! and Vince memes into some kind of Frankenstien supermeme?


people donā€™t watch senate debates. gop base consumes only rallies.

a cartoon villain might get re-elected president

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Perdue is uncanny valley in that clip.

On the ground in GA, whatā€™s crazy is that she seems to have staked her entire advertising budget on how sheā€™s got a ā€œ100% Trump voting recordā€ and ā€œa conservative that Georgians can count on.ā€

ā€¦And an endorsement from Herschel Walker, which is a whole other conversation.

As if thatā€™s a good thing and turning out the base is all that matters.

In my very black City Thatā€™s Too Busy Too Hate, I really think Warnock is drawing live to avoiding a runoff a la Doug Jones

Iā€™d still hit it.

sheā€™s in a jungle primary competing to be the top republican. Itā€™s the only strategy.


Oh I know. Itā€™s just infuriating to hear her running those ads, which seemingly any reasonable person would tune out,

when anyone who does a 30 second wikipedia search can find out that sheā€™s the wife of a plutocrat running on THAT senate record,

and if it goes to a runoff of Good vs. Evil, sheā€™s drawing live, or maybe even a favorite.

Having just finished Succession, I gotta go with Karl as Senator Purdue.

That Ossoff clip was great and all, but who watches Senate debates?

He should be able to cut it into an ad, although it is kind of late.

It would be unconventional but imagine an ad thatā€™s just that clip slowly zooming in on Perdueā€™s face as the Curb music plays. ā€œWhy senator? Why???ā€

Ok, maybe Ed Helms watched the debate (heā€™s originally from Atlanta - donā€™t know where he lives now):


Wow. I donā€™t know which one came first but Ossoff smoked him twice.





Problem with Georgia is still that if it goes to a runoff thereā€™s no way the Dems win.

No, but they wish they were that guy.

I disagree. I think Trump is likely to go nuts when he loses and it will make a runoff happen on fertile political ground

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