2020 Post-Election Thread

Ds do not have the votes to get Free College through Congress so no that is not the plan regardless of whether it should or shouldn’t be. Given this, the rest of your questions are moot. Now you know…

Yeah I take issue with the framing that this helps elites in anyway. The most financially burdened group from student loans are black people and they account for about 20% of the loans. Of course a lot of the reason they are the most burdened has to do with systemic issues that have lead to the racial wealth gap in this country but lol at this country fixing any of those systemic issues especially in a Biden presidency.

This sites offers a lot of interesting stats regarding student loan debt in the US


didn’t realize that I was completely ponied on this. Nice post.

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This is all just anecdotal hand-waving, the bottom line is this:

In 2018, college graduates earned weekly wages that were 80 percent higher than those of high school graduates. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that Americans with a bachelor’s degree have median weekly earnings of $1,173, compared to just $712 a week for those who have a high school diploma.

You’re talking about taking a cohort of people who earn more than average and then giving them money. I’m aware that not everyone who went through college is earning more, but then the equation is, if you went to college and it’s working out for you, please to enjoy your lifelong higher earnings, and if it’s not, don’t worry, we’ll make you whole. This is a classic privatize the profits, socialize the losses scenario. College is a source of wage inequality and you’re talking about exacerbating that. It’s like a regressive tax cut.

Michael Hobbes retweeted this:


41K??? EXTORTION! Proposed solution: make… the government… pay the extortion money? :thinking:


Why not fix both? Forgive student loans and cap how much student loans in the future will be given out. Guarantee it’s enough for public schools and let the private schools figure it out. We’ve seen that not forgiving them and letting schools charge whatever they want doesn’t work, let’s try something else.

Yeah I’m really concerned about what Trumpy McTrucker thinks about not getting government cheese from not having student loans. I’m sure he would have voted Biden otherwise. Definitely.

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God fucking forbid Democrats actually just fucking do something. I’m starting to understand why people get so mad at shitlibs.

The whole problem with the party is that it NEVER FUCKING ACTUALLY DOES ANYTHING. It rants and raves about Republicans being bad while materially improving absolutely nobody’s life in a way that’s easy to understand.

There is zero reason to listen to god damn Republicans about anything. The fact that they’re out there warning about the zomg backlash is just proof its a great idea and should be done immediately.


Our government is completely and totally fucked. Even in the slightly less fucked Obama years, Rs flipped their shit at cracking down on super scummy non-accredited colleges.

So, yes, having the government bail out extortion victims being a great idea is where we are it. You are in Australia, right? This is what happens to your country on Murdoch… good luck…

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Not really convinced by “Dems need to do some stuff, this is stuff, therefore Dems should do it”. I think it’s a bad policy on its own merits.

Why is student loan debt money that should be forgiven but if a non college educated couple take out a home loan, that’s “real” debt that, sorry, you have to pay back? Like if I were to propose a tax cut which only applied to those with a college education everyone would lose their minds about how dumb and regressive an idea it was. But this is also a proposal of “give free money to only people with a college education”, it’s just framed differently.


Like our President is openly and proudly attempting a coup with little push back from his party, and the centrist technocrats and uninformed foreigners are like is forgiveness of predatory debt that will benefit some people that don’t need it the best you can do with a divided government??!? Yes, yes it is!


I don’t buy that this is the only tool at the President’s disposal to give money to people.

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Of course its unfair and not well tailored and does nothing to fix the actual problem. Who fucking cares? It is a whole hell of a lot better than “I promise guys, we would love to do something to help like one single fucking person that voted for us, but Mitch McConnell is too mean!!”

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Well, it is. And I am happy to push for any other ones you come up with!

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“US healthcare is absurdly expensive and administratively inefficient, ergo we should NOT subsidize healthcare in the US.”

Same goddamned argument.

“I introduced the Debt Under Mr. Biden (DUMB) Act in Congress, which went nowhere.”

  • some centrist asshole (D) Congresscritter who will lose in 2022

“Democrats delivered relief to people and we will be cutting a lot more checks when we win this midterm election”

  • that same person, now with a coherent message and a chance to win

Its absolutely incredible to watch actual humans who have been alive and paying attention for the last 20 years to oppose student loan forgiveness. Like you have to be straight up insane.

  1. Pass awesome stimulus in the House, make Mitch block it.

  2. Use an EO to give everyone a hefty stimulus check and take it out of the DoD budget. Make the GOP sue to stop it.

  3. We’re clearly trying to give you money, the Republican bastards are blocking it. Vote accordingly.


Trump could only come up with $70b despite not giving a shit about the law and recklessly taking the money from hurricane preparedness.

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Replace “healthcare” with “private healthcare” and this is a correct argument! Like, one of the major arguments for M4A is leveraging the government’s position as a single payer to bring costs under control. It’s absolutely correct that the government shouldn’t just pay extortionate prices.

I understand that the argument then is “but if we don’t have legislative power to do anything about that we could at least help people with medical debt”. But the cohort “people who have medical debt” is not a privileged cohort and the cohort “people who went to college” is. It’s regressive to pick the latter out for government assistance.


I think this really seems like one of those USA vs non Americans debate as I heavily side with Chris here

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This isn’t a debating society. It is a fight for our entire system of government, and if Democrats don’t do anything other than complain that the other side is mean, we’re going to be a fascist, authoritarian hellhole within 5-10 years.