2020 Post-Election Thread

Colloquially to the average American there’s not as much daylight between defund and abolish as you may think, especially when the right gets done attacking on the issue.

They are both, and we should have used a reform slogan with a defund policy approach.

They did, just not in the way(s) we would have liked.

They all need to be primaried and the people who replace them need to be badass enough to laugh at the local police when they are threatened or whatever for trying to defund them.

Good point.


ACB cost us Collins’s seat and took Graham out of a 60/40 and let him cruise.

Ground game probably cost us NC, but keeping it in his pants would have worked too.

Ground game might have cost us Iowa. We lost by 6.6% and it appears to have been worth 4-5 points elsewhere and Iowa is retail politics.

We won’t get a replacement unless we take the Senate anyway.

Holy shit lol… Wow.

I’m mostly a lurker, but Victor, what is your solution going forward?




Which of chapo’s arguments/opinions are based on believing that Trump isn’t a fascist and how would they change if they believed that he is?

I’ve lost track. Have you stated a personal opinion on whether Trump is a fascist?

Do you actually believe you’ve read more history than this forum? You’re like 3 weeks removed from saying the USSR wasn’t imperialist on 2+2.

You really just look bad when pairing your worst arguments with your highest levels of condescension.

Trump would have handled 9/11 worse than Bush. He would have handled Katrina worse. He’s only “better” here because he served half the time.


Most reliable way to tell someone hasn’t read a ton of history is they claim to have read more history than anyone.

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Like, you can’t say you’re even in the top 90% of knowledge with history on this forum when you posted these gems this month.

And Victor, as someone who first went to Uni for history because it was interesting while playing poker, would love to share any books you love on any historical subject!

(Its also a farce that even any prof I had would never claim to know a lot about history in a vague sense. Greek history profs didn’t know about the Civil War in detail etc)

There’s a perfectly respectable take on the USSR that sees it as a bankrupt and corrupt state knowingly living on borrowed time, taking Eastern European countries as a buffer zone to protect itself from an openly aggressive and militarily dominant superpower.

So you think the USSR wasn’t imperialist because they supplied their neighbors with oil and gas? Really?

I really don’t think that they give off that vibe, whereas at times you seem really insecure with your knowledge. And I call out Clovis 10x more than praising him while rarely interacting in any serious way with the others you’ve listed.

Imma stop you there. W was uniquely positioned to fuck that up to the maximum amount. Stacked his administration with his his dad’s deep state psychos without whole we wouldn’t have spent how many trillions mass murdering how many Iraqis and afghanis? Incompetent as he is, at least Trump doesn’t have the balls nor his inner circle the vision for that kind of unmitigated disaster.

There’s a non zero chance Trump would have rallies killing brown people on stage and stuff way more depraved.
It’s an alternate history only held up by our imagination, but Trump really hates Brown ppl. He 100% would have had a travel ban upheld and who knows what else. Under a Trump administration it wouldn’t have been safe to be Brown in America or the middle east after a major terror attack.

Victor, you can’t get mad at others for not having a deep discussion on nuanced topics when that is something you do constantly. Look at this same discussion on 2p2! You put in two sentences about it! You consistently write replies that are more engaging on attacking posters or discrediting them for their beliefs rather than challenging them with actual discussion.

… Yeah I’m a full blown history nut and I’m still super aware that all I’ve done is go 1-12" deep on a bunch of subjects. There are people hundreds of feet deep on every single one of those subjects.

Dude, it already wasn’t.



Your argument style of accusing everyone you disagree with of lying is not effective. You should reevaluate.



Edit: 10 likes now.


There are levels of safety and terror. Trump would have stoked racism/fear. Could you imagine Trump saying any of this?

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