2020 Post-Election Thread

Great post.

Adding one of the classic examples of a monopoly that is now coming back with a vengeance.

I actually believe some goods and services are fine if left to free market magic and even eventually monopolies, but public goods are in their own class. Public goods* should absolutely be accessible and available outside of the financial constraints or motivations of capitalism.

*healthcare, internet, weed

Reagan’s economic policies were cutting taxes, deregulation of business, and smaller government. Please explain how Elizabeth Warren checks those boxes.



In my view, some industries, goods, and services thrive without regulation. But others form natural monopolies, so the question for the people who believe in the magic of the free market is whether they truly want competition.

Some regulations promote competition.

Some regulations promote monopolies.

If I can get a person to agree to that, we can make a TON of headway. Now we’re discussing which regulations help manifest our goals, and which serve as obstacles.

But if they begin from the position that ALL regulations stifle competition and innovation, they’re not living in reality. They refuse to accept basic facts. We’re better off discussing the composition of a unicorn’s butthole.

Elizabeth Warren is straight up the 2nd most progressive member of the senate, and possibly the 1st biggest advocate of progressive policies. Imagine calling her a republican and then getting upset at people deriding your bullshit.


If only there was some way other than polls to figure out who actually won an election. Oh well.

And Trump used to be a Democrat.

You’ve repeatedly done that to me it’s little wonder you can’t see anything else.

btw, regarding warren/bernie in the cabinet–you still have to trust a republican on their word and if somehow we bink the GA races I’m sure not betting on them to willingly allow a dem senate if they had a chance not to.

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This comes across as you believing things that aren’t true in order to solve cognitive dissonance.

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Ron Klain will be Biden’s chief of staff. Do we care?


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Not really. He was Biden’s COS as VP. This was widely expected.


He seems to know how the government runs, has a good long-term relationship with Biden, and worked on previous pandemic stuff. Not the most exciting dude on the planet, but is professional and should know how to keep the paper moving, so big VOPA (value over previous administration)

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I would have gone with Leslie Knope.


That’s why the left always lose

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You just narrowly dodged a re-education camp. Chillax a little.


Victoar doesn’t care about facts at alll. Klain is the progressive choice but that doesn’t matter.


I thought we agreed to push Biden to the left and not settle?


Capital rules all and Wall Street’s movements post election indicate we are heading for four more years of corporatocracy (with probably more effective money vacuuming by the ownership class without Trump’s random China outbursts).


Huh? Your article doesn’t say that he is progressive, or that progressives chose him, or that progressives wanted him chosen.

How does that make him the progressive choice?


It’s his Chief of Staff, he’s going with the guy who’s been his CoS for decades. What would you like us to do? Take the streets?

I mean for fuck’s sake, several of us are in the early brainstorming stages of essentially declaring war on the eDems. Excuse us if we don’t exert energy on a decision we have no chance to influence.

So predictable that you’re starting in with this narrative on November 11.