2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

Msn had an article up about her surging yesterday and how it probably means the end for Liz.

Billionaires and 9figureaires were shook and literally crying about her wealth tax and other rhetoric.

Interesting order of names. Do they randomize who appears at the top and then go in alphabetical order?

Wrong answer

Hereā€™s the thing about Liz. Iā€™m sure she would make a fantastic president but why go for Bernie-Lite when you can just have Bernie. The weird thing is that Warren seemed to pivot away from Bernie at about the same time her popularity surged because of how progressive her campaign was.

Which again brings back all the thoughts about her political instincts. That and the fact she had no real base. It was all the people who wanted a slightly younger, more pragmatic version of Bernie. Once we realized she was closer to Pete on policy than Bernie it was game over for her as she really didnā€™t have a lane anymore.


Bloomberg could have been doing this for the past 20 years and heā€™d still be worth 11 figures.

Instead he does things like donate to Republicans as recently as 2018.

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thatā€™s glitch-in-the-matrix shit

Why is ā€œofficial ballotā€ in some kind of bavarian script?

Iā€™m so glad we had multiple people on this forum with votes in early states, votes that count for many multiples of mine, that decided to be principled and throw away their votes on someone who canā€™t win, instead of like actually voting for the progressive that has a chance. Just straight awesome.


I for one am enjoying watching the death throes of the Democratic party as we know it in real time. I really love to see it.

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Because NH is the most metal state


You talking about Liz voters I assume? I agree




Remember when we thought it was chessmate when that one dumb fuck Midwest governor, doesnā€™t really matter which one, was ā€œcaughtā€ bragging about voter ID suppressing the vote?

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Man the chopped and screwed High High Hopes from the Chapo New Hampshire live show is so good


Iā€™m starting to feel the Klobmentum. Really think the media hyping her up is going to fracture the moderate vote even more. Everythingā€™s coming up Bernie

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