2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

I am feeling the Bern. What an exciting night, I hope the first of many. The thing about Bernie is I can vote for him without reservation. That is a palpable energy to harness throughout his voters. I hope we see him give Trump the beating he deserved in 2016.


NH should be one of his better states. Of states that held primaries in 2016, the only State he did better than NH in was Vermont.

He mostly win caucuses in 2016, and most states switched to primaries for 2020.

You all realize the Culinary already came out against Bernie and MedForAll because it kills their raison d’etre? (bargaining for health insurance)

Why don’t they bargain for higher wages?

Fucking unions.

not entirely sure, but it’s easy for non-union to match pay, but not benefits.

She wouldn’t ask a union to do anything other than vote for who they endorse. Most unions don’t do that. The Nurses Union was a big union that did last time, and they endorsed Bernie. Also, the minority owned businesses in the Bronx would tell AOC to fuck off.

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The demographics get a lot better going forward. It’s hard to imagine a worse state for Bernie than Iowa or NH. Old as fuck white people is the one demo Bernie doesn’t crush in.

ETA-Looks like my pony may have died at the hands of the victory joint it smoked.


Has to make one consider really how hated HClinton was and why the fuck did the Ds run her at all since they had to know this.

Someone has to get over 40% or so in a bunch of states in order to avoid a contested convention. Bernie sweeping NH-NV-SC may help him enough to get over that line on Super Tuesday, but otherwise you’re counting on getting Yang/Warren/Biden voters to get over that line.

Magically they were able to ratfuck it down to 1.5.% but not all the way huh?

I’d be willing to wager on this as well.

I said up to $500, but I’m willing to go $2,000 on it if someone escrows.

It was her turn!

I think he should pick up a lot of Yang, maybe less Warren than people expect but still a decent amount, and he’ll get some Biden supporters whether he drops or not just cause some chunk of Biden’s support is just going to the front runner.

I won’t be surprised either way, but I think Warren endorsing Bernie before the convention is a slight dog.



After her speech tonight, I’m inclined to agree. She didn’t sound very Bernie-friendly tonight/

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If Klob stays in she is endorsing Klob. They both mentioned each other in their speeches I doubt that was a coincidence.


Warren hates Pete and Bloom. She probably hates Biden.

Dagnabbit, she might just endorse Klob.

Lol, no one is buying your posture here.

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Someone here doesn’t believeallKLOBS

Studies have shown if you don’t solve a troll in the FIRST 48 seconds you never will.

Good work.

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Yep and Warren even mentioned all the demicrats attacking each other trying to be the “last man standing”. Suddenly the NYT join endorsement making more sense.

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