2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

Bernie just needs to run that full 2.5 minute ad.

grade inflation

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Nevermind, I get it now.


Chris Matthews is looking a little orange and scaly.

Propaganda works. Thatā€™s why. My mom told me this week she is scared Bernie is going to take all their money and property. I have no idea where she got that idea but itā€™s baffling. Itā€™s why the insane media bias against Bernie matters.


Some say Pete is still giving his 2nd place speech to this day


Chris Matthews and Chuck Todd are going to go full Trumper if Bernie wins the primary. At lot of masks are going to drop.

If I ever have a goldfish imma name it Chris Matthews.

So good that Bernie won but youā€™d have to call this a worse than average result. Underperformed his polling a little, certainly underperformed margin of victory, votes flowed away from Warren and Biden and did not end up in his column. There was big turnout but that didnā€™t help him, which goes against the theory of his campaign (that heā€™ll turn out disaffected people who donā€™t usually vote). Per exit polls, participation of young people stayed low and Sanders was no more likely to win first-timers than repeat voters.

Hopefully this wonā€™t continue to be the pattern as we move into less white states. I still have no idea whatā€™s going to happen as Biden crumbles in the South, but I hope more of those people will end up in Bernieā€™s camp.

A week before the Nevada caucuses, as new polls showed Sen. Bernie Sandersā€™ support in the state surging, Mr. Reid made a call to the head of Nevadaā€™s most powerful unionā€”the Culinary Workers Union in Las Vegas, which did not plan on engaging in the caucusesā€”and influenced the unionā€™s decision. Mr. Reid also made calls to casino executives along the Las Vegas strip to ensure casino workers were given time off to join the caucuses on the strip, which was predicted to be Ms. Clintonā€™s stronghold in the state. Mr. Reidā€™s gamble paid off, with all six casino caucuses favoring Ms. Clinton over Mr. Sanders by 109 to 52.

Can Nevada one up Iowa with the caucus shenanigans?

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Fuck off.

Iā€™ve gotten my mom to go from apolitical, to Obama voter to Bernie donor. Dad on the other hand, not too keen on the blacks or gays. Strong union Democrat until 2008. What happened that year? :thinking::thinking:


Yā€™all need to learn sarcasm my goodness


Yupā€¦ I got got

It was more or less a fluke though. All it would have taken was Pete having a good debate or Klob not making it on the stage and those votes could have ended up in the Rat Kingā€™s lap instead. The late-deciding button mashing types thus far seem to be avoiding mashing the Bernie button, both in IA and NH.

They probably cheated to get Pete the same amount of delegates tbh weā€™ll never know

Fun stat. Also turnout higher than 2016 with only 90% in, and has the potential to beat 2008 per MSNBC.


Last time Nevada was pretty crazy iirc. Lies about chairs thrown and maybe people locked out?

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Heā€™s saying it from a position of power.