2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

Yeah, but I’m pretty pragmatic about this stuff. Doug Jones & Joe Manchin can be pro-life because the alternative is a deep red republican. But in safe D districts and states, any pro-lifers should get primaried the F out of there.

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The question was whether pro-life Democratic voters should be accepted.

The right answer was “I don’t know anyone in the Democratic party who isn’t pro life” and moved on.

Eff off w that disingenuous bs.

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It was a dumb question and her answer was fine.

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The better answer is, “that was a dumb question”.


Your proposed answer is way more disingenuous than her’s.

And the only reason it’s a dumb questions is it’s a layup to say exactly what she did.

Klob sucks but I’m not sure how you can be out campaigning for Pete who has a terrible record when it comes to people of color and be here blasting Klob for this at the same time. Seems a little odd.


Klobuchar is by far the worst candidate from the last debate stage.

Swift Boat playbook writ small imo.

Severe Undiagnosed Klobucharespitory Syndrome: SUKS

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Midwestern olds love that joke about raising money from her ex-husband, though.

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Their position is anti-abortion, anti-choice, anti-reproductive rights. Nothing more sophisticated than that. Allowing any of these monsters to frame the question the way mccain did gives them the appearance of having the moral high ground and lol at ceding that authority to these self-hating hypocritical know nothings.

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Joe has Super PAC money being spent for him so I don’t know whether or not the running out of money thing truly applies.

Pete put all his eggs into IA and NH and won Iowa, he got more delegates and more media coverage - both more important than getting more votes. He’ll likely finish second here, then he just hopes for a Biden collapse.

Right now the question is who does Bernie end up running against predominantly, which will impact what the race is about. Someone has to emerge as the main challenger to Bernie as the frontrunner, and it’s still not clear who that’ll be. Most likely it’ll either be Buttigieg or Bloomberg as it currently stands. Biden isn’t drawing dead, but he’s in bad shape. Bloomberg clearly has a plan, Buttigieg IMO has a plan, and Biden’s is to win in the South and get heads up and win.

Outside of Bernie, they all have major flaws, but someone is going to have to emerge as the contender to Sanders, so they’re all hanging in there.

Apparently exit polls are showing only 12% new voters and only 12% under 30. Welp.

Bernie can dream that it will be Pete because he would mop the floor with him basically everywhere. I just don’t see Pete having much appeal outside of lily white boomer enclaves like IA and NH.

Tell me a realistic path Pete has to the nom? I mean that in a serious manner as I haven’t been able to figure out a path for him the involves him winning much of anything going forward. I guess I agree he has a chance to be a Ted Cruz like hanger on as we move forward and end up 2nd but he isn’t a serious threat to Bernie. Biden is already collapsing and from what I can tell that isn’t helping Pete much in the polls. He is 10 pts down in the RCP average and is about to start splitting his lane with Bloomberg in these primaries very soon.


Wouldn’t Bernie get like 100% of very liberal votes? That exit polls seems good for Bernie. Probably just boomers voting for Biden though and saying they are very liberal.

I mean, the thing of it is, someone has to emerge to contend with Bernie… right?

So it’s gotta be either Biden, Buttigieg, Warren, Klobuchar, Bloomberg, or they drop in like John Kerry or HRC or something… right? Let’s right off the last two as ridiculous. Fair?

Okay, so it seems to me the three most viable options are:

Biden (early front runner)
Buttigieg (won Iowa)
Bloomberg (spending alllllllllll the money)

They’re all majorly flawed electorally or politically, but their path is all somewhat similar. Still be alive when the others run out of steam and then collect the anti-socialist vote.


ok im calm again

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It seems like Bloomberg is best positioned imo. He has unlimited money. His polling is better than Pete. He is very likely to be a strong second after ST with Pete in 3rd. In that scenerio why would Bloomberg drop out? Maybe they both don’t I don’t know. This thing could basically be over after ST for all intents and purposes too. If Bernie comes close to sweeping (not likely but he is the favorite to win everywhere and by wide margins in places like Cali and Texas that have a huge share of the delegates) does anyone continue just to be the token whipping boy or hold out for a brokered convention?

As far as Biden and Warren they are in really bad shape and are both done.

I’m curious what the Unstuck BernieBros (wearing the badge) think a win for Bernie is in NH… I assume he has to win; will any win do, even a total squeaker? Will losing to Pete by a point feel like a massive blow? (Obviously it wil be a literal blow, as the media will try to crown Pete).