2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

True. I heard one person say she used eenie-meanie method. Another decided at the precinct. Both went Amy. Also it bears mentioning that the Republican primary (such as it was) drew a lot of voters. Its all about turnout in November.

Among the 49 percent of voters — a huge share! — who say that Friday’s New Hampshire debate was important to their vote, Klobuchar did particularly well. Among those who didn’t think the debate was important, Sanders is leading.

The early debates don’t matter, but ones just before primaries definitely do.

Yeah that dude wasn’t a socialist, he was telling you he was one as lube to fuck you into not voting for a socialist, imo.

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Surely she’s unstoppable now!

25% in Bernie’s lead down to 6%.

Klobucharmander has evolved into Klobucharmeleon.

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Fox News is unironically better than CNN or MSNBC for election nights. Also chance of delivering the lulz if they cut to a Karl Rove live meltdown.

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And I took some heat for saying Klobs had a good debate.


Forget chessboxing, it’s eaniemeaniecoinflips, Klob v. RatBoy - choose your fighter!

I’m having trouble processing what a three way race between Bernie, Pete and Klob will look like

everyone in the media said she dominated

The Hill TV is showing Yang live now.

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Courting the only vote that matters


Yah GG. I’m stunned at how this has shaken out for her. Do you think she will run again?

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When it’s a coin flip, Pete has his awkward kid flip the coin.

When it’s eanie-meanie, Klobs throws a stapler at Pete’s head if he’s about to win.

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Where are you seeing 25 percent in? Nyt and CNN are like 14 percent

CNN TV sez 20%.

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got a text from a Bernie person the other day - the only person i have donated to so far is Yang

Quoting for MrWookie

Bernie Sanders 24,540 27.37%
Pete Buttigieg 20,341 22.69%
Amy Klobuchar 17,830 19.89%
Elizabeth Warren 9,180 10.24%

28.28% reporting (84 of 297 precincts)

89,662 total votes
