2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary Thread * 1st past the post wins...

Appreciate that Yang brought the idea of UBI to the national stage.

Really hope he endorses Bernie.



Something really notable: According to the preliminary exit poll, 49 percent of New Hampshire voters said they supported Hillary Clinton in 2016, compared to just 30 percent who said they supported Sanders. Given that Sanders won the primary with 60 percent of the vote, that’s massive — his 2016 supporters seem to have disproportionately not turned out this year.

Very odd if true.


NBC confirms.

It’s an open primary, I wonder if he got a lot of Never Hillary independents in 2016 who don’t feel the need to turn out now?

RIP Yang Gang

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He probably got never-Hillary Democrats last time too. Even though Sanders may win this primary, if you combine all the progressive votes vs the establishment votes, the establishment wins this time, right?

@superuberbob :+1:

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That sucks man i was counting on dem checks.


Listening to voters they interview I think its impossible to tell. They make up their minds for the dumbest reasons and it follows no rational path. People aren’t voting establishment vs anti establishment. It’s a bunch of people clicking buttons.


lets goooooooooo

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Yang will certainly endorse Bernie

Do they randomize the order of the names on the ballet? I voted for Bernie and I’m like 99% sure his name was either 4th or 5th on my ballet, right about where Warren is on yours. I just kind of assumed all the ballots would be the same.

My polling place was dead. In and out in less than 5 minutes at 8 AM.

And only Bernie had representation outside the polling place. My neighbor, as it turned out. No other candidate had any representation, which I found odd.

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I kinda feel like he isn’t gonna endorse anyone, but I really hope he does endorse sanders.


Well whoever voted for Warren ended up getting their vote erased since she’s under 15%. I thought she had a shot to hit 15% but damn, this is bad. She needs to drop out and endorse Bernie for unity.


True. I heard one person say she used eenie-meanie method. Another decided at the precinct. Both went Amy. Also it bears mentioning that the Republican primary (such as it was) drew a lot of voters. Its all about turnout in November.

Among the 49 percent of voters — a huge share! — who say that Friday’s New Hampshire debate was important to their vote, Klobuchar did particularly well. Among those who didn’t think the debate was important, Sanders is leading.

The early debates don’t matter, but ones just before primaries definitely do.

Yeah that dude wasn’t a socialist, he was telling you he was one as lube to fuck you into not voting for a socialist, imo.

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