2020 Election Thread 3: Bernie Memes

Libs are really dumb … Everyone knows Trump actually won but they are happy to take it by cheating because they seek to destory the republic anyways and that just about wraps it up on us being a free country if we allow it to happen… If joe does get away with stealing it I hope the money is a nice little consolidation prize because we all know that Trump won and is the one who really had the historic victory… we all see what you guys on the left did and it doesn’t matter what you pay people to say on the TV we all saw it happen and we have the proof and it was all testified to in court. You people will NOT win this election and I do enjoy watching you animals show your true colors in the process of your defeat, your entire parties defeat that is. You guys don’t see that Trump is the only thing stopping the patriots in this country from going off on you scumbags for burning down our dear republic for four years and telling us it was our faults… You guys better hope Trump gets in because the money wont be worth the trouble coming if you think you are gonna steal an election and start your mandated mask bullshit. We are organized on our side with 1 common goal and we know you to be the enemy… Your side is only aligned on 1 thing and that is your blind hatred for 1 man and if that man was ever removed from the equation it would be hard to get to you people faster than you would tear one another apart already. Either way, you people have not acted decent at all in 4 years and your behavior is still here reeking on full display. You people are so blind to the reckoning coming in your very near futures. I am enjoying all of you celebrate as if this 1 case was all we have presented in the past month … your media can say we have nothing but court testimony says otherwise and we have already provided more than enough evidence of wide scale voter fraud to put most of your public officials not only in jail but straight to the gallows AS THE PUNISHMENT FOR YOUR TREASON WILL BE DEATH. Wait for it, those who laugh last laugh the hardest.


Is this parody?

I assume from FB?

PI COMMENTS per @wheatrich

They are all melting down, it’s incredible to watch in real time


Lol they really thought SCOTUS was going to save them. All the maga money on PI just went poof.


the increase in the green arrow in my account is triggering me so hard right now


We’re gonna do this all over again on Jan 6

Oh, dang. I thought I was magically getting money.


I read the statement to find the part where she says “or else x” but it’s not there.


Well despite how they ruled like 30 minutes after I posted this, I still feel the same way.


The deplorable who has posted several times about how December 12th was the date us liberals should keep in the back of our heads, the date something miraculous will happen, the date we will realize that Biden is going to jail and Trump is going to be president for another 4 years, etc, etc. was not so confident when I shared my excitement with him this morning.


Solid troll. That person seems insane as fuck though, what’s the connection lol.

Like I have some deplorables in my life still mostly family but none are that insane

Acquaintances from about 10 years ago when we both volunteered working on cleaning a local park. Never talked to him again until this past spring when I would fact check his propaganda for the benefit of others who may see his posts.

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Tell him he needs to capitalize He if he wants you to take him serious as a Christian.


Perfect time for goodfellas laugh gif


His avatar is Kirk cousins? No wonder he’s a loser


A lot of people have their girlfriend in their profile pic.

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so if you were wondering what’s going on in MAGA verse of how they’re winning again

Nevada trump electors appear to be sending their slate in on monday anyway claiming trump really won and the VP gets to pick which electors count so lol trump wins

I’m pretty sure that’s not how it all works but ya know calvinball.

So far haven’t seen evidence other state trump electors are gonna do it but they’re going to non stop push the whole way.

Good piece about how crank secessionists in Nevada are now just mainstream Republicans.

Somebody commented on the piece with this: