2020 Election Thread 3: Bernie Memes

Over the years I have read a lot that Roberts cares about the legacy of the court. Leaving aside how vague that concept is, what is this even based on?

It means he wants to institute a right wing agenda without being known as someone instituting a right wing agenda

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Nice a tidy list of necks to stretch.

The key for Pennsylvania to have an orderly and complete vote count is for the state to take its time. And the key precedent that should show Pennsylvania that it may take its time is not Florida in 2000, but Hawaii in 1960. Even though Richard Nixon said it should not be a precedent, what he did in 1960 should be the model for this election in 2020.

In 1960, Hawaii’s vote was incredibly close. On the first count, Nixon had beaten John F. Kennedy by 141 votes. On November 28, the acting governor certified a Republican slate of electors. They met on December 19 and cast their ballots for Nixon.

But a recount showed that, in fact, Kennedy had won the popular vote by an even closer margin of 115 votes. That recount had been completed on December 30, 11 days after the Republican electors from Hawaii had cast their votes for Nixon. Five days later, the governor sent Congress a new certification of electors, this time naming the Democratic electors as the electors properly chosen by Hawaii’s voters. That certification arrived in Congress on January 6, the day that Congress was to count the electoral votes. When then Vice President Nixon, who the Constitution had set as the custodian of the electoral votes, began to “open all the certificates” as the Constitution directs him, and came to Hawaii in the list of states, he announced that there were two slates of electors from Hawaii, one Republican and one Democratic.

But Hawaii is the only case since 1876 when a state, with sincerity, sent the votes of more than one slate of electors to Congress. And while the three votes from America’s 50th state would ultimately not matter to the result, they could have. Had the tight Illinois race – which Kennedy won by around 9,000 votes – gone for Nixon and shifted a few reluctant Democrats in the Dixiecrat south, Hawaii’s votes could have flipped the result from Kennedy to Nixon.

In the days leading up to January 6, Nixon’s team had tried hard to engineer such a result. But it was clear on the morning of the 6th that they had failed. Nixon accepted his fate and chose not to allow any Congressional challenge of the second slate of Democratic electors from Hawaii. As he is recorded as saying, “In order not to delay the further count of the electoral vote here, the Chair, without the intent of establishing a precedent, suggests that the [Democratic] electors named in the certificate of the Governor of Hawaii dated January 4, 1961, be considered as the lawful electors from the State of Hawaii.”

tl;dr Pence could potentially do some funky shit here



I don’t think just anybody can send in the elector votes for a state? Unless they somehow get these alternate electors sent in via official channels they likely don’t mean shit, right? In the Hawaii example they had two sets of electors from official state channels.

Yeah I’ll feel better after electors actually cast votes today.

I can see groups trying to do whatever it takes to prevent electors in these states from casting their votes today.

It needs the signature of the governor. Hawaii example both were signed by the Governor. There’s a law that was passed to prevent this outcome that says that if congress gets multiple elector slates, the one with the governor’s signature is hte one that gets counted.


Maybe they will have an alternate governor sign their list of alternate electors.


Lol, the Governor of New Nevada might just.


Trump currently leading Biden in the EC vote, 22-7. I wonder if this will move some magidiot money back in to predictit.

Yes, this is correct. And in the scenario Miller is hoping for, some kind of fraud is proven or at least accepted by the Governors of three states, and this way they will have the alternate slate already voted on (since it wouldn’t work for them to try to meet later, according to the rules). (lol rules)

It can’t be said enough how terrible and monumentally stupidly the US electoral system has been designed.


All of the court rulings in these states have basically laughed at the idea of any fraud, so I kind of doubt any of these governors are going to willingly wander on out on the branch of a sapling.

Agreed, I guess I was just trying to lay out what Miller was pretending to believe on Fox (almost certainly to just extend the grifting for a few more weeks). But then again, he’s a Nazi, so whatever.


Anybody can do anything. And it depends on what the word “mean” means.

I don’t think they think this will overturn the results of the election. They’ll get some jackasses in the house to attempt to present their “alternate” electors, they’ll be laughed at, but then “this election was decided by Nancy Pelosi’s radical socialists in the house, not the voters” will be part of their narrative.

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Well we can’t really prevent stupid. Maybe it’s time we start charging these treasonous bastards instead of trying to play kissy face.

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