2020 Election Thread 3: Bernie Memes

I thought we went over this when Trump had covid and it would just go to Pence? Or in this case, Kamala

It’s about timing. Before the electoral college met it was pretty clear cut that the dems would meet with their electors and likely just tell them to vote for Harris. Ditto the inverse for Pence. After the electoral college has already voted but before the results have been “counted” by the new congress it gets trickier. Tricky enough that the odds of shenanigans working goes up substantially.


I honestly think I would just laugh if Biden died before the 6th. That’s the only reaction I would be capable of.


It would be peak 2020.


You guys are making me nervous especially after Joe sounded like he was pozzed in his speech tonight.

Lol this place has some serious Stockholm Syndrome.

Biden basically rips Trump a new asshole for not conceding and you guys are like “OMGZ, BIDEN IS GONNA DIE BY JANUARY 6TH!”


It’s not Stockholm Syndrome. It’s PTSD.


Peak 2020 is Biden on life support and the GOP taking it to the Supreme Court which determines that even though he has a heartbeat he’s legally dead.


Then unironically overturns Roe v Wade the same afternoon.


wtf? That ad was disgusting. It’s true equivalence. You think you get to push for faithless electors then and act like it’s something so undemocratic you’d never dream of it now?


No, it’s not true equivalence. Trump was and is a uniquely unqualified candidate for President. A demagogue of the type that the Electoral College was designed explicitly to stop. He was unique amongst all the men who came before him in that position. He also lost the popular vote by millions of votes. There is no equivalence between asking electors not to vote for him and asking electors not to vote for Biden, a bog-standard presidential candidate who won the popular vote by 7 million votes.

Edit: Also, they weren’t trying to get electors to elect HRC, just any other qualified republican.


Lol. I’ve always been hoping for a non-democratic end to the Trump presidency, but I’m not going to pretend it’s the way the system is supposed to work. Hilarious that people toss around “traitor” and “fascism” for one side that tries to undo an election, but they’re all about it if the shoe is on the other foot. Great, Trump is a fucking evil moron, but if you don’t think the election is the ultimate way to decide who the president is, you’re just a fascist who goes along with the voting when it goes their way.


This is absolute nonsense. The only non-subjective metric in this is popular vote.

You start subverting the electoral college due to “uniquely unqualified” and we’d be in complete chaos.

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Biden being Schiavo’d would be absolute confirmation it is all a simulation of a simulation.

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I do think an election is the ultimate way to decide. An election where the person who gets the most votes wins. The American system is terrible and I will never have a problem advocating for the electors to support the popular vote winner and not the jackass who won a bunch of wyoming-sized states. If the shoe was on the other foot I wouldn’t be accusing those advocating it of being traitors or fascists.

Only in the sense that everything is fascist these days. We got fucked by the electoral college, we asked the electoral college to unfuck using facts and logic, the electors said no, and we moved on.

There are 538 electoral votes – one for each congressman and senator plus three for Washington, DC. If no candidate gets to a majority – that’s 270 – then the 435 members of the House decide the election. Each state gets a vote. So while there are more Democrats in the House, Republicans, as of now, control more state delegations, so it is possible the House could pick Donald Trump even though there is a Democratic majority.

The House has until noon on January 20 to pick the President. If they can’t, it would be the vice president or the next person eligible in the line of presidential succession.

If we don’t fix it, this shit is going to be the death of our Democracy the next time we have a Republican-controlled congress that doesn’t secretly hate the sitting R president.

It’s such bullshit that 126 House members are able to basically freeroll Trump’s clown coup. If Democracy dies, I’m in the good graces of the new dictator. If Democracy survives, absolutely nothing happens to me.

What would Santorum say?

There have been recent times where it looked like a Dem would do better in the EC than the popular vote. I’ll be surprised if Dems generally act as you suggest you will if the shoe is ever on the other foot.

Would it be too extreme if on Day 1 Biden pulls a Saddam and sends those 126 House members off to jail for sedition? Maybe throw in Ted Cruz and Mitch on basic principles.

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