2020 Election Thread 3: Bernie Memes

Hawaii did not meet the safe harbor deadline in 1960



if the police were democrats: “well ok, you can come in and you can vote, but i trust someone else down the line will choose to only recognize the legal electors”


democrat cop: is your name on the list?

gop elector: uhh yeah, i’m the governor, let me in they’re waiting for me

democrat cop: i let the governor in an hour ago and you don’t look anything like her. i’ll assemble a committee of 5 democrats and 6 republicans to determine if you’re the governor and we’ll pause the voting inside until we sort this out

gop elector: cool yeah we’ve got 6 republicans here, so

democrat cop: great

democrat cop (internal monologue): hahaha this will expose their hypocrisy for all the world to see


I hear it took 3 hours or so to get Marathon in foot. (If properly trained).

R senators aren’t gonna go for the bullshit as a whole btw but it’s still gonna be a shitshow on jan 6.

Lol, why on earth would Kemp sign the other ones, given the way this has played out so far?

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It’s just not true that Pence gets to just decide which slate if a governor decides to sign two slates.

If there are objections to a state’s electors (by at least 1 house member and 1 senate member), both chambers have to approve them separately for them to count, otherwise they are not counted.

I’m pretty confident there aren’t 50 senators on board for a coup.

Congress shall be in session on the sixth day of January succeeding every meeting of the electors. The Senate and House of Representatives shall meet in the Hall of the House of Representatives at the hour of 1 o’clock in the afternoon on that day, and the President of the Senate shall be their presiding officer. Two tellers shall be previously appointed on the part of the Senate and two on the part of the House of Representatives, to whom shall be handed, as they are opened by the President of the Senate, all the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of the electoral votes, which certificates and papers shall be opened, presented, and acted upon in the alphabetical order of the States, beginning with the letter A; and said tellers, having then read the same in the presence and hearing of the two Houses, shall make a list of the votes as they shall appear from the said certificates; and the votes having been ascertained and counted according to the rules in this subchapter provided, the result of the same shall be delivered to the President of the Senate, who shall thereupon announce the state of the vote, which announcement shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons, if any, elected President and Vice President of the United States, and, together with a list of the votes, be entered on the Journals of the two Houses. Upon such reading of any such certificate or paper, the President of the Senate shall call for objections, if any. Every objection shall be made in writing, and shall state clearly and concisely, and without argument, the ground thereof, and shall be signed by at least one Senator and one Member of the House of Representatives before the same shall be received. When all objections so made to any vote or paper from a State shall have been received and read, the Senate shall thereupon withdraw, and such objections shall be submitted to the Senate for its decision; and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall, in like manner, submit such objections to the House of Representatives for its decision; and no electoral vote or votes from any State which shall have been regularly given by electors whose appointment has been lawfully certified to according to section 6 of this title from which but one return has been received shall be rejected, but the two Houses concurrently may reject the vote or votes when they agree that such vote or votes have not been so regularly given by electors whose appointment has been so certified. If more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State shall have been received by the President of the Senate, those votes, and those only, shall be counted which shall have been regularly given by the electors who are shown by the determination mentioned in section 5 of this title to have been appointed, if the determination in said section provided for shall have been made, or by such successors or substitutes, in case of a vacancy in the board of electors so ascertained, as have been appointed to fill such vacancy in the mode provided by the laws of the State; but in case there shall arise the question which of two or more of such State authorities determining what electors have been appointed, as mentioned in section 5 of this title, is the lawful tribunal of such State, the votes regularly given of those electors, and those only, of such State shall be counted whose title as electors the two Houses, acting separately, shall concurrently decide is supported by the decision of such State so authorized by its law; and in such case of more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State, if there shall have been no such determination of the question in the State aforesaid, then those votes, and those only, shall be counted which the two Houses shall concurrently decide were cast by lawful electors appointed in accordance with the laws of the State, unless the two Houses, acting separately, shall concurrently decide such votes not to be the lawful votes of the legally appointed electors of such State. But if the two Houses shall disagree in respect of the counting of such votes, then, and in that case, the votes of the electors whose appointment shall have been certified by the executive of the State, under the seal thereof, shall be counted. When the two Houses have voted, they shall immediately again meet, and the presiding officer shall then announce the decision of the questions submitted. No votes or papers from any other State shall be acted upon until the objections previously made to the votes or papers from any State shall have been finally disposed of.

lol he fucked around and found out



Except all the recounts are done now this time.

Makes me think of this. (Go to the 17 minute mark.)

at no point did I suggest he would

but GA is doing a signature audit right now, so you never know I guess do it or we’ll burn your house down maybe


why does john thune support the stolen election for the democrats?

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Don’t worry guys, my toe dip into the deplorable pool today has led me to believe that the Insurrection Act of 1807 will save them.


Before invoking the powers under the Act, 10 U.S.C. § 254 requires the President to first publish a proclamation ordering the insurgents to disperse.

yeah that tweet is gonna be lit

I heard martial law with an executive order about foreign interference in the election from serbia and canada or Pence gets to pick which sets of electors count of the submitted ones today (he doesn’t (well asterisk but as of now he doesn’t, those have to count and they currently do not ))

He’s not the only one who did this joke, bit yeah I saw that.

I responded with just the Danny glover laughing gif about 100 times today

Nothing else is sufficient.



Would have been more informative to ask the pidgin.