2020 Election Thread 3: Bernie Memes

It was probably as good as they could have designed it at the time, tbqh.

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Fucking scary that the WI SC Chief Justice thinks public sentiment should be enough to sway a judicial ruling.


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“Can you assure me that this is going to be a safe day in Lansing, nobody’s going to get hurt?” a local radio host asked the representative, Gary Eisen, a Trump supporter, hours after legislative leaders shuttered legislative offices over threats that groups were intending to violently disrupt the process.

“No,” responded Mr. Eisen, according to audio of the interview. “I don’t know because what we’re doing today is uncharted. It hasn’t been done.”

Mr. Eisen said that the Constitution gave legislators the right to stop the electors if the state’s results were not “up and up.” He complained that the security measures, emanating from bomb threats and implemented by leaders in his own party, prevented pro-Trump legislators from entering the Capitol to protest the proceedings.

He said that he still planned to participate in an “event” organized by Republicans but, when pressed, he declined to elaborate on what it would entail other than to say it would be “all over the news later on.”

When his interviewer, Paul Miller of WPHM in Port Huron, interrupted to call those plans “dangerous,” Mr. Eisen replied, “It is dangerous.”

Was it really though? Because direct elections decided by some sort of popular vote as an idea has been around for thousands of years, and is also a remarkably much simpler system than what they came up with. I get that at the time popular vote would have been like white landowning men or whatever, but still would have been better than what they came up with.

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The 2001 Seattle Mariners went 116-46. Trump should have hired Ichiro instead of Giuliani.

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Guess the ■■■■■■■■■■■■ can do basic math


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They designed it when it took weeks to get anywhere by horse.

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Yeah I forget which comic I’m stealing it from but I think that if you brought any of the founding fathers back from the dead they’d be shocked we haven’t made more changes to the constitution than we already have. They were also very much on the record as thinking the whole idea of political parties was bad… but here we are.

It’s like GDP. We were told when it was created that it was a bad measure of economic well being, and that if we did use it we should make sure we didn’t include military spending in it because of what that would make possible. And yet here we are.

Ok. But it took weeks to get anywhere by horse in classical times too and yet, somehow, they had popular voting back then too. I get that the certification rules, lame duck period, etc, make sense in the context of travel time, but the electoral college was as stupid 250 years ago as it is today.

Classical times was a bunch of greek city states. The US is much bigger and always was. You could definitely get a message to anyone in Athens in <1 day even in ancient times.

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Again, explain to me why, in horse and buggy days, you couldn’t have a popular vote and cut out the middle-man? Keep everything else like the rules on how long it takes to certify and the decentralized nature of the eleciton and the lame duck period to account for travel delays. But there is no logical reason why you need to vote for a middleman in the process.

IIRC one of the Federalist Papers spelled out the reasons (unadulterated racism and unmitigated slavery) for the Electoral College. It’s not a big secret or anything.


Sure, but the price for same day delivery was pretty high…

“The idea for the modern marathon was inspired by the legend of an ancient Greek messenger who raced from the site of Marathon to Athens, a distance of about 40 kilometers, or nearly 25 miles, with the news of an important Greek victory over an invading army of Persians in 490 B.C. After making his announcement, the exhausted messenger collapsed and died. To commemorate his dramatic run, the distance of the 1896 Olympic marathon was set at 40 kilometers.”

In case you’re wondering how the MAGAverse is following today’s news:


Just completely divorced from reality


If Kemp also signs the other ones, Pence decides which ones count.

happened in 1960 with Hawaii when that state flipped on a recount dems sent their own slate of electors like R’s are doing here.

it basically just extends their deadline to overturn the election till Jan 6th

so we got a loooong 37 days to go. They’ll find something to continue attacking with.

Congress on that day is gonna be a shit show.

get the Jeb meme

we got a faithless elector or a lol PI pump troll

Because they didn’t want the popular vote to decide things. They were obsessed with checks and balances. It was seen as a safeguard against too many stupid people picking a stupid president. Obviously, it failed.

You can understand the Electoral College as originally intended as effectively a third chamber of Congress whose only function is to choose an executive. It’s almost like taking a parliamentary system and stripping the main legislative body of its PM-choosing function and assigning it to another body.