2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

These assholes already have more power in their votes than they should, and now they want to dictate other states votes lol.


if they don’t get to decide other states votes there will be tyranny in america


My big fear right now is that the gerrymandered state legislatures in PA, MI, and WI will vote that they get to pick electors directly from now on. I’m pretty sure the current SCOTUS would uphold this.

That puts those completely out of play for Dems forever. Then they do the same in red states trending swingy: GA, TX, etc.

Basically they can do this to lock the electoral map in 2016 until the population shifts enough to overcome all of the gerrymanders plus all the voter suppression while trying to do so with a 6-3 SCOTUS.

That would be game, set, match… and it’s the logical next step of what they’re doing now. It can’t be done for 2020 but it can for 2024.

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No, you don’t need a majority of 538. You need a majority of electoral votes cast. If they throw out votes, those don’t count as electoral votes cast.

We will likely never get it.

same but I did preliminary research and at least one of those requires more support then they currently have to do it but if they get a chance with a gov flipping yeah.

They’re going to try to do it without the governor flipping is my guess.

No you need 270,
. Of the current 538 electors, an [absolute majority] of 270 or more is required to elect the president and vice president.


No, you need a majority of the electors appointed.

Source: Wikipedia The United States Constitution


Bolding the “270 or more” but not bolding the “of the current 538 electors” is an easy way to arrive at the wrong conclusion.


I’d expect findings from NORC’s election survey results to start dropping in the middle of next year.

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At best it’s Constitutionally dubious whether state legislatures can just straight away appoint electors and not even hold a vote.


42? 6 more weeks of this nonsense? Why so freaking long?

But I guess it used to be in March.

Takes a long time to travel from New Hampshire to Washington by horse.


That’s some scary shit. 18 states just said they’re done with democracy.


That’s about doing it for an election that already happened. I’m talking about doing it before 2020.

The normies think it’s funny, in case anyone is wondering. Like, “Wow those Republicans sure are acting silly! Lol!!! Aren’t they cute!”

I am 1000% willing to let every one of those states make their own country and put a wall around it.


I mean everyone but the rubes are in on that this is some political cover, but damn what a political cover it is.

Yeah I mean if you asked anyone to create a list of the shittiest most useless states they would come close to this list.