2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I did this one on audiobook

Read by wil Wheaton

Which just added another layer of nerddom to it

Ready Player One just sounds like Ender’s Game with a bunch of Gen-X pop culture references tossed in. I don’t get the appeal.

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It’s more Boy Solves Puzzle than Ender’s Game. The nerd culture references aren’t tossed in, they’re the whole point. It’s like a collage, or one of those “how many things can you identify in this picture” sort of deals.

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The adoration of the book kinda reminds me of how everybody jizzes nonstop about The Mandalorian because omg it’s sooooo super starwars-y, while the writing and acting are kinda shit.

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Yeah, that’s pretty fair. I think the main reason it got so much attention is because it was there first. Right now we’re drowning in 80’s nostalgia, which really can’t end soon enough imo, but 10 years ago there was very little. Nobody had really done what Cline did in that book yet. The decade was still mostly a source of embarrassment rather than the hottest place to mine for retro-culture.

Up next: The 90’s. Prepare yourself for AOL references as an indicator of ironic hipsterism.

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Werner Herzog is pretty great, tho.

Eh, Ready Player One is a really fun book. Just enjoy it.

If the book didn’t exist, the movie would have been received better, too, I think. It’s just that all of the challenges/puzzles were different in the movie, likely because they figured they’d play better on screen. I mean, the opening car race was pretty rad. I do think they did the book a disservice by making Parzival and Artemis good-looking, rather than average/homely like they were portrayed in the book.

And, of course, like any movie, they had to cut stuff out. Can never fit everything in.

I had read through some of the book with my son and then he watched the movie in VR. He thought it was great, and that’s what matters to me.

Cline’s follow-up, Armada, was quite good and would make for a great movie. Gets pretty emotional - my son had trouble dealing with it.


We are already there. Half the stuff on The Goldbergs is early 90’s even though they pretend it’s the 80’s.

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Wonderful the worst time of my life is going to be everywhere. I’m really looking forward to that.


This makes it sound like Mitch can just vote to not accept votes from PA/GA/AZ/MI and keep Biden under 270 and then the house votes Trump in as President

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Good way to get the country burned down.

Not actually 270 votes. A majority of Electoral votes cast. Throw out all those votes and Biden still wins, 243-232.

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Both chambers have to vote to throw them out.


Also this.

And I’m saying that if they are able to successfully use this made-up voting scandal as an impetus, the roadblocks created will absolutely slow that trend down in terms of results.

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Biden would need 270 as the absolute majority of 538. It will go to the House otherwise.

Yeah a few of us have been saying the moment this rigged shit became a thing that this would lead to voter suppression like we’ve never seen before. It will be Jim Crow levels in red states and it won’t change until we pack the courts, and that won’t happen if we can’t win senate seats in red states.

Follow up to the Trump claim floating around from last week that Biden only did better than Clinton in the urban areas in the swing state and underperformed everywhere else:

When can we expect good, accurate breakdowns of voting demographics? As in not exit polling which is notoriously shit.


just split the us already, you can keep texas