2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Just searched for all the e-mails in my Inbox from @joebiden.com. 504. That’s my thank you for volunteering/donating. Fuck these people. Six e-mails in a day several times!


Great game, stressful as hell. Those levels where there was no screen border and just ten zillion grunts, and it was a mad rush to get to an edge before getting totally overwhelmed…

The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction of cases between states… They had to put it on their docket. It doesn’t mean anything.

Yes, very hard to clear those levels with one guy. You pull the “x” shots to the wall and then jump off the wall at the last second. The brains were easy to lure in a line. Those damn bouncing ball shots were a bitch. You just had to get the reflexes down on those.

For anyone that doesn’t know, you had two joy sticks and 8 degrees of independent shooting and moving. Huge adrenaline rush. Sweated through my shirt numerous times.

And I wonder why it took me til senior year to get a gf.


Yes but the trumpbots don’t know that. It is so fun watching them lose

A blame Alito as a traitor and RINO
B change the narrative
C both

Can someone use Parler to spread Alito’s home address so that Trumpers can picket where he lives?

One nice trick is that you could get a break during the tank levels by letting them fire so many shots it caused some kind of overflow and they couldn’t shoot anymore, and you could just kind of walk around for a while and catch your breath.

Bugs like that were super fun. The best of course is the one in Galaga where you could leave the two left-hand bees in a level alive and just dodge them for 10-15 minutes, wait until they stop firing, and then no enemies could fire at you at all for the rest of the game. Free pass to level 256 when the game crashes, pretty much.

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Ok I’m 55. We have to be pretty close as those were both prime high school games for me. I believe my high was 12 million give or take. Close to 3 hours. Had to quit when my arms got numb.

And I think that was level 10 or the first stage after a challenge there.

They got rid of that in the new machines.

49 here. I probably woulda been the kid who wasn’t as good but been happy to just stand there slack jawed watching you, or some dude playing 200 levels of Defender or something.

Yeah the fun bugs in most games all disappeared after a while, and now in emulators you can just enable whatever cheats you want and take out your frustrations on whatever game you were terrible at as a kid. If I ever get un-busy enough and have a couple of grand to blow, I want to put together my own cabinet with a raspberry pi running MAME inside.

Defender I could never master.
Tempest was the third game I was pretty good at.

Robotron excellence was rare. Not many spent the time to master. Galaga had obvious patterns. Tempest was pretty reaction based.

/derail /nostalgia

I’m pretty unfamiliar with all of the games you guys are discussing, but you’ve made me want to read Ready Player Two now. I expect it won’t be nearly as good as Ready Played One though, and is probably just an attempt to piggyback off the lightening in a bottle success of it.

Ready Player One wasn’t even an original idea.

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Meh, everybody is riding William Gibson’s coattails.

Ready Player One was a blast for just being an unapologetic Gen-X nostalgia fest. It wore all its influences on its sleeve as a point of pride.

The movie totally sucked tho.


I was saying this weeks ago when everyone was getting excited that GA was going to be possibly blue in the future.

This year is a huge anomaly. GA is gonna be red for the foreseeable future. I’d love to be wrong, but I don’t think I am.

Ted Lieu likes this. I have no idea who the guy is.



I didn’t read the book until maybe five years ago, the problem is I had my expectations built up too much from people constantly saying “zomg how have you not read it, this is the perfect book for you, you’re a video game nerd so you’ll looooove it”. Really didn’t realize that all it was was a nostalgia fest, and basically something from the Young Adult section. Not sure what I was expecting but I had trouble getting through it.

I loved Robotron, but it always fried my brain. I could never get the hang of the setup where you moved in one direction and shot in another, always way too slow.

I was the kid who was either monopolizing Q*Bert or beating all comers at Karate Champ.


legate is definitely a good twitter follow