2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

If the Georgia runoffs are not certified, Republicans will have a 51-48 advantage in the Senate (Loeffler will still have a seat until a replacement is certified, Perdue will not), so you just need two Republican “heroes”. Between Murkowski, Romney, and Collins, I suspect that will not be an issue.

Watch the beginning of Fahrenheit 9/11 for what a shitshow this can be without a Senator objecting. Does anybody have more specifics on „certain criteria“ if not it sounds a lot like a Republican Senate majority can just throw out the electors of a lot of states.

Help us Susan Collins. You are our only hope.

do you have a source on that regarding loeffler, the few places I glanced at have her as the same thing, where the certified winner is in or nobody is.

I can’t remember where, but the reasoning is that Loeffler is not running for re-election, but in a special election to fill a seat whose term expires in January 2023, so she is the senator until her replacement is chosen.

I believe her appointed term is supposed to end with the special election then the winner takes the rest of it.

Not that they wouldn’t just say what you said and nobody would do anything but I just haven’t seen that.

“I don’t approve of Trump seizing the Presidency even though he allegedly lost the election, however he has faced a lot of criticism and I’m confident he has learned his lesson and will not interfere with the results of the 2024 election.”


So what happens when the Georgia electoral votes are announced, Ted Cruz objects because the election was rigged, and all Republican senators vote yea on the objection?

Her temporary appointment is supposed to last “until such time as the vacancy shall be filled by an election as provided in” the Georgia state code. That vacancy isn’t filled until the election is over, which it won’t be until the runoff is completed.

America ends, the world gets a million times better?

Doesn’t the house also have to vote to reject the electors? Also I’m pretty sure the safe harbor act is written to prevent exactly this scenario…

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Toomey seems to be on team knock it off. We shall see when it comes time to vote.

Yeah I legit have no idea how any of this works. It hasn’t ever mattered once in my 4 decades plus on the planet, lol.


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They really scraped the bottom of the barrel for this one:

There is no reason for quotes around “scandal-plagued” when referring to Roy Moore, it’s objectively true.

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In that particular article, they are quoting another description of him as being “scandal-plagued”. Rather than scare quotes implying skepticism, they are a way to label Moore in a way seen as a defense against a charge of editorialism.

Meanwhile in deplorable twitters


This will go on well into the biden presidency

It’ll go well into 2075

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Nah 2084

This was my game. 1 quarter could play for a couple of hours and it would take the machine 20-25 minutes to kill all my lives once I stopped.

Now let’s not discuss how many quarters it took to get the good.

Almost all reflex game. Very little in terms of patterns.