2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Not 2020, but in future election news:


See ya, Blue GA, it was fun while it lasted!

This kind of stuff will be the real legacy of Trump’s narcissism, even though it wasn’t his goal.


Apparently they refer to him as “Cruz Missile”

I’m sure the clamp down won’t just be in GA

Fucking lol, 54k likes. Complete delusion



yeah, it’ll be widespread

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At least in the state of GA it’s not totally clear that this is a winning strategy for Republicans. The Democratic electorate is becoming more like the GOP electorate of old (higher educated, higher income, etc). The people that waited in the 3 hour lines the first week of early voting were not Republicans.


Man, I went clicking around his feed, and the replies, yeesh.

I think I was always pretty clear about how dumb most Americans are, but I really had no fucking idea how many absolutely crazy people there are.


Well hopefully Marc and team keep up the successful lawyering post election.


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A guy who voted for Trump is now, according to him, a China plant who should have registered as a foreign agent.

It isn’t at all clear that all the voter suppression will work for the GOP moving forward. They are now very reliant on turning out mouth breathing idiots with zero attention span, who are probably less likely than democrats to overcome voting obstacles.

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we can only hope

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Mouth breathing idiots with zero attention span describes A LOT of potential voters.

Yeah, this. My hypothesis is that in some states (FL, TX, others) that the “marginal” turnout voter may have been +R rather than +D.

looked to me like turnout boosts this cycle ended up about even (okay this isn’t quite true, we gained a few millions of votes overall but a lot of them were in the wrong places like CA/NY) the biggest difference was we lost a bunch of FL cubans due to socialism commentary, and TX latinos (did we figure this one out, some combination of the checks with trump’s name on it as some people believed he gave it to them personally, the assholery, keep immigrants out, they figured out many of them are republicans, and/or the biden blunder on oil and whatever else I don’t know I’m not wanting anything to do with texas)



I’m seeing MAGA saying on Twitter that it’s all part of the plan because of the Texas lawsuit lol.

That’s all she wrote. Bye bye fuckface. Belt out the tunes SHS.

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You’re gonna get the forum shut down.


So what happens after the EC votes for Biden?

January 6, 2021

The House and Senate hold a joint session to count the electoral votes. Members of Congress may object to returns from any state as they are announced. Objections must be made in writing by at least one member of the House and one in the Senate.

This is gonna be a clusterfuck.

If the objection meets certain requirements, each chamber meets separately to debate the objection for a maximum of two hours. Afterwards, each chamber votes to accept or reject the objection.

So you still need a few republican HEROES who will do their country a favor by recognizing reality for a day.

If one ticket has received 270 or more electoral votes, the president of the Senate, currently Vice-President Mike Pence, announces the results.

Good luck with that.


maybe, but i was wrong about 2010 redistricting being bad for them in 2020. it didnt swing any chambers. so who knows how other voter suppression methods are going to fare. probably worse for dems than for gop.