2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Yeah, PI comments are full of people gloating over Texas filing a nonsense lawsuit against other states or something that is going absolutely nowhere. Just pay me please.

Iā€™m starting to wonder when theyā€™re going to pay. Most of these contracts are for the popular vote in the state, so it shouldnā€™t matter who the electoral votes even go to. Are they going to do it based on when the electoral college votes anyway? Inauguration day? Whenever the final lawsuit stops?

That could be years from now lolā€¦ The markets on PI could get really wonky if this drags out another month or two. I canā€™t keep the amount I have in there indefinitely, and Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only one.

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Here is PAā€™s response to the Kelly request for an emergency injunction.
Even if Alioto grants the request, Biden still has 286 EVs.


Pretty sure PI finally settles on 12/15 for everything, I mean thereā€™s 0.0% chance those states flip/Biden is not the next president on that date right? Narrator? Canā€™t imagine they settle anything today.

Here is a thread in the Texas thing. I have no clue


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I keep telling you guys PI sometimes waits for the last possible minute to pay up. I wonā€™t really be surprised if they pay up they say after Biden is inaugurated.

My favorite part.


Lol one in 4 quadrillion. Ya OK.

Might as well say infinity to the infinity power.

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I need a proof here.


This is a good way to get 35 Supreme Court justices in March of 2021

No, one in 1 quadrillion to the fourth power.

Itā€™s 1060, which Wikipedia says is a ā€œnovemdecillionā€.




Pretty well sums it up. Yet, Iā€™m sure Thomas and Alito will dissent when itā€™s not taken up.


Cruz obviously realizes none of this nonsense is getting taken up by SCOTUS so he can get in the good graces of the maga deplorables without having to look a fool in court.


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This is a good argument against the concentration of wealth/power. Shame and the threat of being ostracized is ultimately how society exerts control. Give me enough money, and just lol, fuck your shame.

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I hate it when people keep saying stuff like this without realizing that theyā€™re not gonna stop at overturning or throwing out just one state.

So youā€™re saying thereā€™s a chanceā€¦


Donā€™t exaggerate, he is only saying there is substantial reason to doubt.