2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON


She is vile. Imagine being in a class and the professor asks if you are taking notes and you look that smug because you know the dean was paid off and you are getting a 4.0 even if you take a shit in the middle of the classroom.


The passion for Jesus in her eyes inspires me every time


In hindsight its amazing she wasn’t nominated earlier. Gorsuch and even Kavanaugh have shown signs of intellectual honesty, not so for ACB.

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Wasn’t there basically the thought process of she was so bad she wouldn’t get through at first? You basically had to lead up to her.


She wasn’t even a judge when Gorsuch was nominated and she was reported to be a finalist when it was Kavanaugh’s turn.

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Reportedly, Trump always said he was saving ACB for RGB. Motherfucker gets there 2 months before the election.

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Just out of curiosity - if Alito and Thomas said they’re retiring on Jan 6th, after Ossof/Warnock win and the EC vote is really actually this time for real, no really it’s real this time, certified - could Trump and Mitch still replace both of them before Jan 20?

If so just lol our shitty system now and forever.

The new Congress meets on January 3.

But wouldn’t Mitch still have a majority until Ossof/Warnock are sworn in?

Yes and presumably GA could take it’s sweet ass time certifying. Mitch could pull it off.

I hope that’s exactly what happens. People need to wake the fuck up. The more obvious their disdain for democracy, the better.


Come on, man? Are you new here? Mitch could do exactly that an 80% of the country wouldn’t be pissed off at Mitch/Trump at all. And of that 80% most of them would either like it or are don’t follow politics so they would have no idea it even happened or why it was wrong.


They’d probably be sworn in as soon as the results can be certified. There is some chance that Murkowski and Collins vote against cloture. I suppose some other Republicans would consider doing so. Dems would need it because the Senate will technically Be 51-48 since Perdue loses his seat on January 3, but Loeffler doesn’t.

Maybe the compromise would be for those Republicans to vote for cloture on only one nominee, giving Democrats back the seat that was stolen from Garland. Someone like Romney might be persuaded with a promise to try to return to previous norms.

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vast majority of people don’t know who mitch mcconnell is. Shame dems haven’t pushed him as a radical piece of trash like they do with pelosi/schumer.


Usually, about 75-80% of people polled have an opinion about McConnell in favorability ratings.

Pelosi and McConnell tend to be viewed as equally unfavorable, but more people look upon her favorably. Schumer and McConnell tend to be viewed as equally favorable, but more people view McConnell unfavorably. Both Dems have a smaller net negative spread in favorability.

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I meant more like the party itself, but regardless we lose very little EV (if any) and it wakes a non-zero number of people up.

  1. Alito and Thomas are batshit far right anyway. Can’t get much worse.

  2. They’re never retiring under Biden, who’s currently a sizable dog for reelection imo.

  3. They’ll almost certainly retire under the next GOP POTUS anyway.

Like the odds any of us live to see a liberal court without packing it are not very good. So anything that increases the odds of packing it is fine with me.

We need two conservative justices to die under a Dem POTUS and Dem Senate without any liberal justices doing the inverse.

Theirs are 72, 70, 65, 55, 53, 48.

Ours are 82, 66, 60.

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Well, technically, if we can dig up dirt that leads to a criminal conviction, that probably works as good as death. I’d suggest digging up dirt that leads to a scandal, but these folks might be completely shameless. I’d settle for some full-throttled mudslinging aimed at their spouses and children to try and make their families’ lives hell and tell them the pain stops if they resign.

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That’s some really cool Dem fan fic right there. If we had a party willing to try that hard and play that dirty we wouldn’t be in this mess…

I mean we already have enough dirt on Kavanaugh, the GOP is just impervious to shame.

That’s why I suggest going after their families. The politicians themselves seem pretty shameless, but maybe their families are made of less stern stuff.

I’m under no illusions that current Dems are capable of that sort of damage. It’s going to take a political black ops unit formed away from the party to do the necessary dirty tricks.

So searching Alito on twitter brings up all kinds of deplorables saying this is the beginning

Of four more years
