2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

x-post from betting thread

California certified tonight, per news reports.

279 Biden votes have now been certified. The outstanding blue states yet to announce certification of the vote are HI, IL, and NJ.

Given that it’s a special election, GA has to be basically impossible to accurately poll. Add to that Trump jumping around like a goddam moron. I think dems will lose based on past specials and a 5 pt polling lead wouldn’t give me any comfort. Then again, all 4 candidates have flaws and I have no idea how it will shake out.

I think Trump overperformed because he convinced the morons that covid was a hoax/no big deal. It would have been glorious if he had died of it. Like I would now believe there is a god and that he is just and kinda funny. You ruined your shot god.

Trump not dying has certainly hardened my apathetic agnosticism.

I don’t know and I don’t care


If anyone is even a little worried, read this thread.


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If only. Donald was exactly who they had in mind.

Haven’t verified the math but it looks like with another ~20 recounts, Trump would win GA.


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What’s the difference in the two machine counts? Those 2500 ballots that mostly broke for trump that weren’t caught the first time?

Looks like someone got owned by the Lib(ertarian)s


Dunno what’s going on with the @boredsocial efforts at doing tricky campaigning, but just solicit Republicans to vote Libertarian instead of trying to bring Lincoln Project Neocons or whatever they are into the Democratic Party.

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I think their overall goal is vote supressing and republicans staying home not voting dem.

Getting them to vote lib is a great strategy. As of right now I think most +ev is pushing the conspiracy theory that they didn’t help Trump after the election was stolen from him. At least for the runoffs.

If you are planting seeds you should bring up republicans in Congress stopped election reform and paper ballots to secure our elections. They hated trump but knew the only way to get him was rigging the election!


I guess. I think there was also a paper jam or something that was caught between the 2nd and 3rd recounts that netted Trump a bit more.

Way ahead of you. Planted the seed right away. Said the election funding would have paid for more secure voting machines.

It kinda helps I’ve known this group of guys forever so I know their weaknesses, but I’m pretty sure it could be applied to the trumper community at large.


TBH I don’t love that 13% of the margin of victory was erased in the recounts, but w/e I guess its probably common that anything within a few thousand should be considered a tie out of 5 million votes.

tuned into one of those election is a fraud rallies

“we’ll lose everything and they’ll take away our holidays!”

Yep still nuts

Cross posting. What’s with the Alito PA hearing or filing or whatever in the morning? Was set for Wednesday after safe harbor. Got moved up late.

Start the Steal


So is the 14th the day Pence has to bang the gavel or does that drag out to January?

Mr. Pence gets to bang the gavel only when Mrs. Pence says it’s ok