2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Here are the names but no vote while they are still actually in office. Kind of puts them in a box- stop certification ergo their votes are meaningless or don’t stop certification and the electors for Biden are set and any vote is meaningless.

Nice empty PR move there, Cotton

The resolution is sponsored by Rep. Russ Diamond, Rep. Eric R. Nelson, Rep. Paul Schemel, Rep. Greg Rothman, Rep. Francis X. Ryan, Rep. Dawn W. Keefer, Rep. Mike Jones, Rep. David H. Rowe, Rep. Michael J. Puskaric, Rep. Barbara Gleim, Rep. Bud Cook, Rep. Cris Dush, Rep. Stephanie Borowicz, Rep. David H. Zimmerman, Rep. Daryl D. Metcalfe, Rep. David M. Maloney, Sr., Rep. Dan Moul, Rep. Brad Roae, Rep. Kathy L. Rapp, Rep. Jim Cox, Rep. Rob W. Kauffman, Rep. Matthew Dowling, Rep. Eric Davanzo, Rep. Rich Irvin, Aaron Berstine and Rep. Andrew Lewis.

The resolution has not yet been voted on by either the state House or Senate. It is not expected to get a vote before lawmakers’ terms end on Monday.

Lol just came here to post this. Fucking hilarious.


I like where this hashtag is going. Kpop stans figured out the correct strategy. Don’t refute any of the absurd GOPQ+ claims. Instead punk them by dominating their hashtags.


no that’s stupid too–nobody gets past the hashtag and it just amplifies their message

troll them back is all I got

More nonsense from the Kraken.

In his affidavit he makes statements which are simply conclusions like:

c. When analyzing the NT Times data for the 2020 election, I conclude that the software algorithm manipulated votes counts forging between 1-2% of the precinct results to favor Vice President Biden. The software performed data alteration in real-time in order to maintain close parity
among the candidates and without raising red flags. The specific software algorithm was developed by Smartmatic and implemented in DVS machines to facilitate backdoor access by a nefarious operator to manipulate live data, as desired.

He has to show his work going from the NT(sic) Times data to his conclusion. Court will not accept that he looked at the data and came to a conclusion. This is not evidence.

He also later said:
f. The cryptographic key store on DVS thumb drive (reported stolen in Philadelphia) was used alter vote counts prior to up chain reporting. Since DVS uses the same cryptographic key for all its voting systems in all battleground states, the key allowed a remote operator to conduct massive attacks on all battleground state data set without being detected.

How does he know this happened? This is also a conclusion without proper foundation. The attack happened without being detected is a cop out.

This part of his affidavit has been proven to be false:
*j…Subsequently, the results wereforwarded to Scytl/SOE Software servers located in Frankfurt, Germany

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I couldn’t quite stifle a lol.




Paging @PredictIt


I’m happy to supply this guy an explanation for a small percentage of that 2.5M.

True the Vote dropped its legal actions and discontinued its Validate the Vote 2020 campaign, then refused to return his calls when he demanded an explanation.




Every recount has ended up with more votes for Biden. It’s so glorious.



The comments on this substack thread are absolute madness. Just people claiming crazy disinformation one after the other. And all kind of science-y sounding enough to satisfy the people who just look for enough noise and assume something must be real.

Trump gained in GA, but I guess it technically wasn’t a recount. But that’s splitting hairs.

I prefer my elective memory where he fails at everything! :wink:

But fair point, that’s for the clarification.

I don’t think Rand read the article. The four dumps took place in three states. “Look and decide for yourself”? How many people are knowledgeable enough to evaluate this? Lol, these aren’t the four most “anomalous” results but the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 7th most anomalous. No comparisons between elections for states. Big discovery—some states have data dumps that are large and overwhelmingly for Biden! Detroit, Milwaukee and Atlanta?

Pretty shitty for a Senator to promulgate anonymous bullshit dressed up as a statistical analysis to promote skepticism in the recent election.

If I had the time and motivation, and it wouldn’t be a complete exercise in nihilism, I’d go out and cherry pick anomalies in Rand Paul’s elections.

Like 75% of conservatism is pointing out two things that happened together or near each other or close to the same time, then saying “interesting” or “makes you think” without actually making the causal inference they’re leaving to their audience. In their very best moments, they at least hit on a correlation, so perhaps whatever they are fucking talking about isn’t entirely unrelated.


Yeah nobody actually reads that whole thing. The whole point is to offer something for the serious “I did my research crowd” who won’t just accept something instantly falsifiable like “more votes than people in Detroit” - in the buffet with something for everyone.

It’s basically Ethical Skeptic for voting. Just send the link, which you barely skimmed, to your lib friends, then let them spend a day frustrating themselves trying to explain to you why its BS.




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