2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Still only .90 on PI.

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Whats the break even point for stone locks?

~94.5cents (10% fee on profits + 5% withdrawal fee)

Sister back on her bullshit calling my mom up to tell her conspiracy theories about how the election was stolen.

Like who does this? She didnā€™t ask how moms was doing or anything, just instantly like OMG stolen election.

These people are completely fucked in the head, itā€™s insane.


After Biden is inaugurated I hope thereā€™s a big online movement from the left ā€˜admittingā€™ that the election was rigged and that Biden got away with it to launch the crazy people lawnmowers into eternal orbit


Iā€™ve been saying on Facebook that I voted 17x in GA, PA, AZ, WI, and MI. George Soros learned his lesson after 2016 and didnā€™t pay people to vote in CA this go around.


Is your sister on Facebook constantly?

You might want to tug hard the other way imo. Your mom will go with whatever emotional pull is stronger. At least you can wrestle a tie.

I mean this is a dangerous game pushing people to that limit. They already want fascism, thatā€™s just pushing them to even more extreme fascism. Weā€™re not far off from the legitimately wanting us in death camps. Iā€™m dead serious.

Better to point out Republican establishment was involved in places like GA/AZ and that the establishment wanted Trump out before he took over the party. These people legit believe Trump was anti establishment and fighting for the working people. So you lay the poison pill that the Republican establishment couldnā€™t stand for this and pushed Trump out.

Better to get them fighting amongst themselves than to focus all their anger on dems.


Itā€™s her new Trumper husband. Itā€™s facebook but they also go down insane conspiracy websites and shit. They were watching the recent AZ hearings so she was talking about military psy ops and they have evidence etc just repeating Rudy talking points.

Lol I got my mom from a Clinton establishment type to voting for Bernie in the primary and is a die hard progressive now. She agrees Feinstein belongs in an actual cabinet, dislikes CNN/MSNBC for being too centrist, and loves AOC. She was gently just telling my sis honey, you canā€™t believe everything you read, theres no evidence if there was the judges wouldnā€™t be throwing their cases out.

As Iā€™ve said before moms is more progressive than a good chunk of this board so there is no worry about that. My sister knows this which makes her call even more insane.


Maybe you can find common ground with your sister by suggesting they smuggle her in a Wayfair cabinet.


lmao this got a hearty chuckle. A+

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Iā€™m glad, I was worried that it would seem like I was making fun of you family situation which is not the case.


Laughter is the best medicine. Me and mom joke about it all the time while understanding whats happened to her and the country is extremely sad and worrisome.

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Youā€™ve done well.


Moms was always super good peeps, despite my really bad childhood I thank her for being the person I am today. So she was always progressive, she just needed to see past the propaganda. Which can be super hard unless you know where too look.

More accurate would be ā€œI wonā€™t change my mindā€.