2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

The biggest tell that the Kraken is dead is that Trump has not tweeted support or praise for Powell. His advisors could be telling him that it’s DOA.

God I hope he really believed she had some juice, and then somebody had to show him the actual filing.

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I’m still amazed he realized how crazy she was and got rid of her. Like, apparently the line is somewhere in between Rudy and Sidney.



The President of the United States sat at the kiddy table on Thanksgiving.

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It’s truly amazing that this is a real picture and not a photoshop.

This is best evidence yet he’s losing his mind.

Trump would never let the prop department use such a table if he were in his right mind.

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I had heard stories that he bastardized the West Wing, but this…this is a bit much even for him.

@RiskyFlush you can probably do way better than me, I can’t get his face to blend in well.


I’ll pump it up if you like, but I think the tiny imperfections make it work :ok_hand:


Is there a good amount of lawbro analysis to offer for that movie? I love it but feel like I miss 90% of what’s happening.

Sounds like we need a watch party


This schedule is getting bigger all the time

LOL you.

Do you really think Trump would read something with that many words on it, let alone be able to comprehend it well enough to know that it was drivel? Even if he got past step 1 (i.e. reading it), it’s a fucking lock that he would think it is great because it is in support of his position. That’s the only thing that determines quality in his mind.

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He finally conceded!! Best speech ever!



or he was jealous she was getting attention

I think Rudy has objectively acted crazier for longer than Sidney… so it’s probably just misogyny.



Losing your job to own the libs

Lt. Gov. John Fetterman told KDKA last week that if the votes are not certified in Pennsylvania by Monday, Nov. 30, there will be no members of the state House and half the state Senate will not be in office as that is when their terms expire.


I wonder how many who co-sponsored this lost in the current cycle?

Probably none? I don’t think the repubs really lost seats in the PA house this cycle. They’re just fucking dumb.

milwaukee county recount is in

biden gains 132 votes

3 million well spent trump!