2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON




My uncle had a good friend in high school who started acting more and more erratic. One day while they were hanging out he said, ā€œI am living in the great American dog body.ā€ Not long after he was diagnosed with a brain tumor and died.

I think about the stuff crazy people say a lot. You canā€™t make that shit up. Anything you try to make up sounds phony. There must be some deep synapse connections going on the words they stream out.

The lunatic, the lover and the poet
Are of imagination all compact

I mean, you can make it up, but being a little nuts tends to go with that kind of talent.

Oh my God. Thread delivers.






LMAO she wants Georgia to justā€¦ not count!


I find it deeply unsettling when I have an encounter with someone whoā€™s schizophrenic or otherwise deranged. I always feel like somewhere inside of them thereā€™s a cogent human trying to communicate their fear, despair, anger, etc, but it pours out as madness, which just makes them crazier.


Schizophrenia? So you mean homeless instead of committed?

how does one get disbarred from being a lawyer and why doesnā€™t the kraken qualify because wtf

sadly, not much has changed except the increasing amount of sheer stupidity and whether theyā€™ll use all of that to ā€œjustifyā€ some sort of throwing out election results thing.

I think the last time we saw this amount of crazy was 1860 :grimacing:

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Well sheā€™s not an elector for the dem party so she definitely doesnā€™t deserve to have a house

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This is one of many reasons Michael Clayton is an A+ movie

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Which, by the way, wouldnā€™t actually accomplish anything since the Electoral College is a majority of all votes cast, so eliminating Georgiaā€™s 16 votes from BIdenā€™s total also means Biden only needs 262, which, he more than still has at that point.


By stealing money from a client or getting convicted of a felony. Thatā€™s really it, unfortunately.

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If someoneā€™s paying her for this, Iā€™d say sheā€™s stealing money from a client.


Banging clients? OK or not OK?

In theory not ok in matrimonials. But IME the only thing that really gets lawyers in trouble is money. Commingling escrow accounts, stealing from clients, etc.

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So, OK in other cases? There is not even some sort of ethical convention that no one cares about?

This story is great at every level:


Lol @ the guy who gave 2.5 million to a fraud group with no chance of overturning the election. Lol @ the fraud group now getting sued after probably having spent that money on god knows what. Just awesome all around. Warms the heart.


Disciplinary rules vary state to state on this. I think itā€™s pretty much universally not ok to have relationships with clients in mat cases. I think itā€™s YMMV in other types of cases depending on the state.

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If you an alien watching this and then the actual Giuliani clips side by side, youā€™d have a hard time figuring out which was real and which was satire.


I have to say, itā€™s gratifying finally seeing this thread slowly start to fizzle compared to the other Trump threads. Iā€™d always get heartburn any time I saw this one suddenly get like 100+ posts, assuming one of the BS lawsuits was gaining traction or thereā€™d been another mini-revolt by GOP state flunkies.