2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Saw a headline somewhere that alluded that old Rupert would pay Trump to continue to like Fox News.

Not quite as mindblowing as one vote (the current margin in IA-02), but still pretty wild.


Brindisi is the Dem.






Imagine a leopard eating a face!


Lol, the overton window is a speeding locomotive moving to the right at the speed of sound.


Right wing nuttery right now feels like at the end of The Thing - when it goes through every different metamorphosis during its death throes - in an ever increasing tempo.


Iā€™ve spent 20 full years now continuously thinking both ā€œit canā€™t get much crazierā€ and ā€œthe craziness is good for the left.ā€ Iā€™ve been wrong for all 20 years so Iā€™m not betting these things will suddenly become true now.


It is really insane how much we acclimatise to this stuff. Matt Christman has been saying the last few years that QAnon is going to become the Republican mainstream and I was like ā€œwell, I donā€™t know, seems hyperbolic, I mean a couple people elected and the base enthused, sure, but this stuff is for the rubes, it wonā€™t get into the halls of powerā€. Then the other day the GOP account tweeted a woman claiming that the election was stolen by an algorithm personally designed by Hugo Chavez to deliver elections into the hands of global Communism. So yeah, my betting lines on this shit are off the board as well.


This is way, way more believable than most QAnon stuff.


QAnon is a big spectrum, I donā€™t expect the stuff about holograms and whatever to hit the mainstream, but the idea that thereā€™s a conspiracy of Democrats and deep state sickos to abuse children or whatever is hardly that outlandish given Epstein etc.

The Chavez thing sounds superficially plausible until you think about what the fuck is meant by ā€œalgorithmā€ there. To rig elections you hide or destroy ballots, or you just change the count which involves altering a few numbers in a database. Hiring computer science Ph. Ds isnā€™t going to get you anywhere, they arenā€™t wizards.

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until she starts going off on soros and everything else from qanon and they won almost all the states if not all 50 of them.

thatā€™s a lawyer named sydney powell btw, who claims sheā€™s going to release the kraken in courts. today yesterday, maybe friday, the goalposts keep shifting a bit.

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Right, I never watch clips of this stuff because I value my mental health, but on Chapo Matt said that MAGA idiots listen to this stuff ā€œlike a dog does, they listen to toneā€ which I think is very accurate, and that Sydney Powell, even disregarding the content of what she said, sounded like a crazy person. Then they played an audio clip and holy shit. She had that weird energy you get from mentally ill people where they talk with absolute conviction but at the same time are casting about for words and rambling a bit because their thinking is chaotic.


Dude this take nails it. All the trumpers I see believing sidney cite how confident she is and no way she would talk like that if she wasnt certain because she knows she would get in trouble or something lol



yea i posted upthread the ā€œlibertarianā€ guy that i chat with and he was certain that she wouldnā€™t go out on that limb without hard proof because she had a reputation to protect lol

Time to make a bet about what kind of reputation she deserves when itā€™s all over.

I was going to say that thereā€™s a nonzero chance she ends up committed when this is all over, but that doesnā€™t do it justice. Itā€™s probably like 75/25. She seems legit schizophrenic.

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Wasnā€™t this the same thing with Barr? He wouldnā€™t lie about Mueller findings because he had a reputation?

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The Kraken is here, itā€™s over.


They figured it out that Mr. Coomer rigged it all