2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Also it’s hilarious how dumb or system is.


This guy is doing an excellent job filibustering

Aaron V is going to vote to certify, but he’s trying to shield himself from the crazies by setting up the reasoning why he has no choice but to vote to certify

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Yeah sounding like that for now

GOP douche just trying to get some cover before certifying.

one down, 799 to go


It’s time to stop making fun of Georgia

We went blue this year
We certified even with SOS and others getting death threats
We’ve had free college (and pre-K) for all residents for decades!!!

Atlanta is like any other big city and rural Georgia is like the rural area of any state (CA, NY, MA, etc)


Talk to us on January 6.

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Yeah I certainly look at GA differently. Respect.


Honestly if that fails I blame democratic leaders more than voters.

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Agree with everything but the bolded.

Zero chance that Marjorie Taylor Greene gets even close to elected in any Massachusetts district.

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I want to have a look at their credit card bills to see if they actually paid for those bottles or if they were on the house.

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Wait I know this V dude is a Republican and the skinny girl is a Republican, but who’s this fat white guy? He seems like he’s asking Republican type questions.

Edit: NVM guess fat white guy is republican. I swore someone said skinny white girl was going to refuse to certify but there is no female Republican.

Fine, like rural areas in 90% of the states

MA is all blue

But any state that has a red district can have a Marjorie

Colorado sent Boebert to DC this election and she’s a supporter of Q

In MA, Tracy Lovvorn got only 35% of the votes this election so yeah, I’d say you are right that that isn’t anywhere close to being elected.

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This guy speaking (Jeff Timmer) is a former GOP member of the MI Canvassing Board

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Parent after parent on zoom here testified about covid and schools (kids don’t get/spread morons). The board listened then votes to close schools. Of course they lol adjourned and then voted early the next morning on short notice. But they did the right thing for the situation.

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This girl going all in against Trump seems like a bad strategy when you gotta convince two guys whose careers depend on Trumpism support. Well one guy.

I mean I’m sure they made up their minds, but voting to certify after election officials slam Trump hard as fuck definitely makes this guys job harder if he did plan to vote to certify.

How long is this going to take? Recess?

Probably gonna be an all day thing.

I love how “we have to hear from everybody” as if we didn’t just have a goddamned election to do exactly that.