2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Here come the crazies, starting with Laura Cox

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lolll attorney for John James now

For people who aren’t watching or who step away for a bit and want to know what happened, this guy is
doing a good summary



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On one hand we have the law bros with their laws and on the other a guy who says “fuck you, no.” :thinking:

Democracy hangs in the balance.


Will someone please answer the phone?

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wtf. I want my election bets graded damnit!


Aaron V is making the mistake of trying to convince John James’s attorney that he has to vote to certify. Obv the attorney is a lot smarter than Aaron.

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you love to see it



One of the Wayne County traitors (Monica Palmer) now crying that she certified the results based on the promise of an audit being done in Wayne County. Admits that she was tricked into it.


Any word from Mr. Racist Meme Facebook Guy?

Nah, he’s not here.

Haven’t been watching but I assume besides the experts in the beginning this is just gonna be 99% deplorables whining and saying don’t certify?



Cliffs on MI? They gonna certify or not?

Ok so they are gonna try the same shit in PA. Fuck me lol.

It’ll come down to one guy. One Republican is a hard no, the other seems to be leaning on certifying but who knows. He was intent on hearing out 800 witnesses before he decided.

That’s insane.

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Welcome to the modern day GOP.

If they’re successful in this, they can probably make it happen in PA and shit gets really wild.

For the record I don’t think it’s going to happen.

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