2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Chris Christie publicly says Trump should quit trying to fight it and that elections have consequences. That’s a good sign because he’s such a weasel. He would never come out like that if he weren’t sure that Trump was going down.


Nice mask. When I went to doctor a few weeks ago the receptionists all had similar masks or sports team fabric masks lol.

Dude needs to STFU and get to the vote already!

Since the one guy wouldn’t comment, I’m actually leaning 70/30 that he will certify. I think he’d get much more hell by announcing yes on certification than no.

He may face discipline or whatever from a no vote but he has a lot of crazies after him if he votes yes. This way he can just get out of town with his family until things die down.

The fact that they’re humoring these clowns with audits and recounts in Wayne County only is a joke. Setting a great precedent there Dems! Really fine work you’re doing!

Assistant AG once again pointing out that election needs to be certified prior to any “audits” or whatever other crap

And. Here. We. Go.

The R canvasser who hasn’t said what he will do wants public testimony before considering the motion!

Aaron van Fuckface wants more public comment before certifying.

Yeah this was the guy that was not stating whether he would vote for or against.

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What’s happening? I’m half listening

Like today? Or what time period? Fuck that guy. Guess I was wrong. He wants to punt like Matt Patricia.

LOL this asshole 100% believes he’s one of the “reasonable” Republicans.


Who the hell sets up a committee with an even number of people?


I have everything turned up to 11 on my system and I can still barely hear them.

Aaron V is implying he’s going to vote to certify but he wants the 800 (literally) people signed up to speak during public comment be allowed to speak first.


So we’re going to have 800 people speak now??

Edit: my pony is in line to speak…

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Even number should be standard for bipartisan type, supposedly nonpartisan committees.

I think its 50/50 on whether this dude certifies. Making sure we listen to these 800 insane people will be good cover for him to say well after listening to our constituents I can not in good conscience certify.

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Yeah, I can’t imagine that was anything other than a prelude to him saying, “Wow, there’s a lot of irregularities and things we should look into before certifying!”

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Are there any false flag operatives among them whose job is to troll Trumpists?