2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

PA + GA + NV + AZ is enough.

WI seems to be in deplorable recount hell right now.

Is that the one where they’re challenging every ballot?


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Why isn’t PA having a similar issue of deplorable canvassers refusing to certify? Or do they not use those? Or is it because that will come later?

Michigan has a dumb system

This is honestly the problem with the “We need to throw millions of dollars at the Lincoln project and pander to Republicans” takes. Like, these people live in an alternative fucking reality. It doesn’t matter how far to the right we move, they will always call us socialists. Maybe we should try M4A to bring out some of our base.


Was there any Lincoln Project messaging that panders to Republicans? All the messaging I saw was just dunking on Trump and his enablers, unless you consider that pandering?

The Lincoln Project was pandering to non-existent never-Trump Republicans. It converted a less than trivial amount of voters

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The LP bought massive ads in NYC, they’re very clearly just marketing themselves to gullible Dems to get donation money.


the theory behind the “run on M4A” isn’t “this will convert a bunch of conservatives” it’s that it will drive more turnout.


I never understood them to be trying to convert never Trump Republicans, but depress turnout of Trump voters and generally troll Trump. They were way better at it than Dems from what I saw.

I heard them defend themselves in a way that makes sense. Going just based on registered Rs voting for Trump percentage in 2016 versus 2020 does not tell the story because of obvious changes in the composition of that pool 1) anti-Trumpers leaving the party 2) tons of new voters in the last 4 years registering as R specifically because they like Trump 3) former blue collar/blue dog Ds switching parties to R specifically because they like Trump.

They claim partial credit for the shift in Independents to Biden, which is what you would expect the persuadable conservative or conservative curious people to be registered as now.

Not to say it did work, it’s all pseudoscience imo and silly to expect a $60mm PAC to have much of an impact either way to begin with.

73 million Trump voters and counting disagree with you

+1. no idea how that post has 6 likes lol


Michigan supposed to certify in 10 minutes

I’m expecting them to not certify

As there is no way they can make Trump the winner in Michigan, some rando galaxy brain social media cons think not certifying today is part of a viable strategy to deny Biden 270 EVs.

Livestream here apparently


It’s 4 members, right? And it needs to be unanimous?

it’s 2 repubs, 2 democrats. 3-1 is ok. one of the repubs has already said he’s not going to certify.

I expect them not to certify based on the vibes I’m getting from the R Michigan House leader that visited the White House, his statement saying no evidence of fraud “at this time,” etc. Seemed like there was mischief afoot…as if Trump let him in on his little plan.