2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Ted was a sponsor of the bill that would have made it a felony to support organizations promoting a boycott of Israel, so I def don’t just follow what he wants. He did give nanodaughter an award though, so that was cool.


After reading both your post and the one it responded to and instantly agreeing with both, I have concluded that this might be an echo chamber.


John Kasich is either lying or a complete fucking idiot.


Porque no los dos?


It’s lying, but this is literally all a guy like him can say in this spot. Trumpism is a career ending random event for Kasich and the rest of the ‘serious’ Republicans. Mitt Romney types like him remind me of paintings of dinosaurs sorrowfully staring up at the sky as a massive asteroid hurtled down in books I read as a kid.


Yeah, Florida is a pretty good example. The voters have picked some pretty good laws over the years through constitutional amendment, and then the shitty Republican controlled legislature has always stepped in to knee cap it. Some examples off the top of my head:

-Educational funding through lottery proceeds,
-Environmental conservation and management funding through doc stamp tax,
-automatic voting rights reinstatement for Ex-felons
-medical marijuana legalization

I’m sure there are others, too.


Everyone needs to get mentally prepared for this afternoon when the Michigan Canvassing Board refuses to certify. Every deplorable on social media will be doing itshappening.gif.



The class size amendment too, though they’re basically just ignoring that one at this point.

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Right, I mean even with the $15 min wage isn’t it supposed to be eased in over a certain number of years? Wouldn’t be surprised if the state legislature has the latitude to decide it should be 50 years or something silly.

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It doesn’t hit $15 until 2026.


Putin sure has America by the balls

MI AG looking to charge crimes if that happens.

I don’t know, it seems like with both this treaty and the intermediate ballistic missile treaty Russia was not complying with the treaty. So it makes sense to pull out of both, otherwise it’s a joke. Like if Russia or the Soviet Union had limited nuclear weapons/missile inspections for START or SALT or whatever, the proper response of the US would be to pull out of the treaty. Right?

The night after their meeting, the lawmakers were photographed patronising a bar at the Trump Hotel drinking Dom Perignon, sparking criticism on social media.

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This is a good reminder that none of these attempted shenanigans is new, it was common enough in 1965 they explicitly made it a felony. American conservatives have always been enemies of democracy, only difference is now they’re all in one party instead of both.


A proper response would not involve destruction of the observation planes for 1…

Even if michigan doesnt certify, Biden doesn’t need that shit right? Does it matter?