2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON




Its amazing how many people, mostly poor but not all, don’t understand marginal tax rates. If you ever talk to hourly wage workers about how its not even worth it to work overtime because they get taxed so much more…


It‘s also been used pretty loosely on this forum.


On the forum I’ve been pushing a wedge between trumpers and the Republican establishment and boy they’re all in on it now. I can’t take full credit because seems like this is a general sentiment because the GOP isn’t supporting the COUP


Outstanding work. Keep at it.


After reading both your post and the one it responded to and instantly agreeing with both, I have concluded that this might be an echo chamber.

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For a lot of the more obscure stuff? Completely agree. But for big issues it’s pretty straight forward.15/h minimum wage or nah? Felons vote or nah? M4A or nah? Background checks or nah?

We should just be able to vote on big issues and have congress for the more obscure shit like local laws.

Mostly agree but as the Prop 25 example has shown even someone as highly dialed in as Suzzer will quickly be out of his depth.

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$15/hr is a lot easier to wrap your head around than a complex legal policy issue with potential unintended consequences.

I’m not saying there should be no propositions. I’m saying if I have to do an hour of research, I know damn well 99.9% of voters aren’t going to do that - which means whomever has the best ads wins. We elect representatives to dig into this stuff for us.


Are they rioting to get every policy issue put to a popular vote?

No. But given their recent experience, I think they would prefer that to enlightened legislators making decisions for them.

Omg and when they get a bonus which has different withholding rules they don’t understand how much of the extra WH is coming back in their refund.



Omg I just search “Flynn Powell” on the twitters. Too disturbing to post. Let’s just say a lot of whack jobs and/or bots.

I don’t know what to make of this.

one of two republicans. i think there’s a 50-50 chance cert will get delayed and possibly a lawsuit will be filed. but it won’t stop the certification

it means the next week and probably two are gonna be a cluster****

The article mentions Whitmer can replace the members of the state Canvassing Board. Which would admittedly create a much greater clusterfuck.