2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I’m not buying that Trump said to fire her. Nothing is too crazy for him. He retweets conspiracies of similar insanity every day.

Somebody else, probably Mitch, got her got.

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This is honestly the problem with the “If only we ran on M4A we would have won” takes. Like, these people live in an alternative fucking reality. It doesn’t matter what our policies are. I honestly don’t know the answer.


You know, people say that but then last minute they’re all appealing to God and stuff. C’mon man, God doesn’t have time for your insincere bullshit.

  1. Digital Advertising
  2. Run on policy to expand and turn out our base.
  3. Feed conspiracy-based suppression ads to their conspiracy loving base.

Well, we really don’t know if that’s true because Democrats haven’t actually done anything for people at the federal level since 2009, and haven’t done anything people actually like since like Medicare.


Yeah because there are no messaging strategies besides explain to people why they are wrong in a dialect they do not understand and in fact find annoying/dishonest.

In the movie Idiocracy the main character just told them that he was smart so he could talk to plants and the plants were telling him they wanted toilet water instead of Brawndo.

These people spawn new narratives on a minute by minute basis. The key is finding a narrative they won’t reject. This whole thing is a story telling contest.

And the Democrats stubbornly insist on running on a ‘eat your broccoli because it’s healthy’ platform.

“Medicare for all: What Plants Crave?”


It’s like I always say: there are no Republicans in foxholes


I don’t know. I have a good friend who is pissed he has to work at a college during COVID and realizes Trump is a racist dipshit. He votes straight libertarian he says because he “hates Democrats as much as Republicans”. The other night we talked on the phone and he was spouting Republican talking points left and right lol. Anonymous sources in journalism, socialism, etc. etc. I feel like he’s a closet Republican and just not telling anyone.

Libertarianism is basically the worst possible framework for dealing with COVID.


FYP. The entire reason humans are where we are is cooperating with each other and organizing into ever larger groups. I know you know this, but holy fuck do I hate Libertarianism.

He definitely doesn’t understand libertarianism either. He just hated Hillary and Trump is persona non grata.

I bet he can’t properly define socialism.


I mean it’s not going to work universally. Like if we expand our base in swing states by 2% and suppress their turnout in swing states by 2%, we’ve hit a home run… And the vast majority of people were not influenced.


I tried to tell him Bernie’s tax rates would only change people over $400,000 which he won’t see for a long time if ever. Changed the subject.

What percent of Americans can? 5%?


I’ll take the under.


I’ve seen this struggle too with general people–never run on tax increases ever.

So far 2/3 people I’ve discussed this with in real life recently thought it meant when you hit $400K it impacted your entire income and thus it would be bad cause everyone would be trying to make $399K and stop.