2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON



Real scenario thatā€™s going to happen in the near future, maybe the GA runoffs.

Bunch of low level GOP officials commit voter fraud. Their buffoonish scheme easily uncovered, they are arrested and their fraudulent ballots are removed from the count. They publicly make the case that voter fraud is so easy, and therefore Democrats must be doing it all the time (ā€œbut you got cauā€”ā€œ Shush) (ā€œthe votes werenā€™t even couā€”ā€œ I SAID SHUSH). Deplorable judge says because their intent was only to prove a point rather than commit actual fraud, they can get off with a light fine.





The narrative seems to be splitting three different ways. 1. The Trump Campaign are drawing attention to Sidney by getting the media to report on her and will then drop the hammer. 2. This is a nothingburger legalese thing that nonlawyers (sic) are making a big deal out of 3. Some conspiratard shit about ā€˜Krakenā€™ which apparently they think is some super secret CIA hacking program that Iā€™m guessing Q is using to get information about the deep stateā€¦ anyway they think Sidney is Kraken somehow?

These people are not magic. Theyā€™re just morons being manipulated. I donā€™t know about you guys but Iā€™m tired of trying to convince them that the plants donā€™t crave Brawndo on the merits. Itā€™s time to play some Calvinball.

My best prediction for the next phase in this news getting neutralized is that theyā€™ll just stop talking about it when the next piece of news comes through. I donā€™t think their setup requires them to resolve any storylinesā€¦ they can just leave them hanging indefinitely is my guess.

EDIT: Man these people really donā€™t like Huma Abedin. Iā€™d forgotten she was alive, but Iā€™ve seen her referenced quite a few times in a short period of time despite not really being in the news.


Seems like someone in Trumpland realized accusing Republicans that should help them in the Senate runoff of fraud was a bad idea.

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The idea is out there with the morons though. Iā€™m scanning #Georgia on parler and thereā€™s quite a bit of anti GA GOP content going around. Yes Iā€™ve upvoted all of it andā€¦ I think my favorite thing about the entire place is that their version of a retweet is called an echo. Canā€™t make this shit up.

Itā€™s pretty clear Parler design wise to me at least that Parler is trying to be twitter not FB. Not sure if everyone knew that and Iā€™m the only one who didnā€™t notice that the last vowel is the same, but I canā€™t stress enough what a low budget and totally trash version of Twitter this is.

EDIT: And there are definitely a lot of people on this thing trolling these people. The Jmakins of the world are hard at work tonight.


Rudy at his core is a flim-flam man just like Donald. The crazy is an act, the stupid isnā€™t. Powell otoh might legitimately have schizophrenia.


Stop bro, Iā€™m dying :rofl:. Maybe this is what they meant by liberal tears.


Trump himself doesnā€™t give a shit about the Georgia runoff.

The Real Daddy (Mitch) called Trump and said if you donā€™t cut the shit not only will I not lift a finger to keep you out of jail, Iā€™ll sic the hounds on you myself.

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kraken isnā€™t a person

itā€™s the ā€œevidenceā€ that millions of votes were switched and illegal and hugo chavez changed the election results and aoc and bernie should be arrested also collins beat loeffler and trump won all 50 states and millions of dead people voted including snowball I

editā€“oh and a server containing these votes showing trump landslide was confiscated in germany by scytl. thereā€™s more insanity than this tho Iā€™m sure but thatā€™s most of it


Steps 2 - Steps 100 will be to just never discuss it ever again.

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LOL thatā€™s incredible.

I was betting on this collapsing next week not already ffs

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On what collapsing?

sidney powell/kraken stuff and linwood or whoever else out there would actually file it or itā€™d get boosted up enough to get even better prices

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I salute your reasons for following this shit. Seriously the best reason to know things is so that you can find an edge gambling on them.

2020, where even trump is like youā€™re fucking nuts lady


Wait I thought the Kraken shit was just a joke people on the left were making to mock them. Thatā€™s a real thing they behahahahahaha beliehahahahahahahahaha ha hahahaha believe ahhhahahahahahahahahahahahaha???


Yeah dudeā€¦ we are definitely not going to win this battle by explaining to people why they are wrong about policy.