2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

LMAO indeed.

Why? She was just the flavor of crazy they were looking for.


Haha Rudy just mad thereā€™s someone crazier than him out there.


Who knew there was a limit to the crazy?

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Gonna need the mega-deplorable / Parler take on why Trump is sidelining the one person willing to tell the truth about the Venezuelan communist takeover plot.


Are we drawing live to them declaring Trump is just a part of the deep state? The movement goes on without him?


Maybe sheā€™s about to go down for something? SOP for Trump to disavow someone otherwise valuable as soon as they carry legal jeopardy.

Eta: as opposed to illegal Jeopardy :face_with_monocle:


theyā€™re smart enough to leave enough where the system doesnā€™t collapse

your average joe is not

Iā€™m looking for it. They havenā€™t reacted yet. I suspect the first stage of this is ā€˜fake news!ā€™ though. Iā€™m actually interested in watching this story pass through the digestive system. I want to watch them iterate it.

EDIT: Alright I found it. Yup the first stage of the negative news reaction is to call it fake. So far not a surprise.

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I donā€™t recall anything she said that Giuliani didnā€™t also assert.

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Sheā€™s really been letting her freak flag fly on Newsmax in the past few days.

I have a pretty decent vocabulary and Iā€™m pretty sure there is no word in the English language which covers what is going on at the moment. ā€œFarcicalā€ is completely inadequate.


The only thing Iā€™m sure of is that the Germans have a very specific seventeen syllable word for exactly this. It probably involves shit somehow.


Clearly Rudy Giuliani is an agent of the Deep State intent on sabotaging the fight for God against the Devil. #TeamSidney

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Somewhere in the neighborhood of absurd and surreal.

This seems close but not quite on point


Replace ā€œideal stateā€ with ā€œeven vaguely sane stateā€ and weā€™re getting there.

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Sometimes when Iā€™m indulging in too much schadenfreude, I get a bout weltschmerz all up in my weltanschauung


Iā€™m not so sure Iā€™ve seen any evidence they do anything other than take every dollar they think they can get away with taking before their political power collapses. They donā€™t seem to have much regard for the system.

You know in Star Wars when theyā€™re escaping from Jabba? Pretty sure itā€™s the beginning of Return of the Jedi. And there are those massive worm like creatures and they are trying not to fall inside?

I feel like you just dove right in and youā€™re poking around in there.

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The software truly is shit. They didnā€™t invest much in this. The links out really are interesting.