2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Dems are the Great Satan and Georgia is God’s country, hence Donald Trump totally had to win and the state is currently shrouded in sin and darkness and she shall lift it up by casting out the demons and restoring God’s chosen president!

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i’m assuming the joke writers are now in a gulag for failing to add an outright fiddle reference


As I said, that’s very likely true, but it would mean that in a small percentage of cases, it will meaningfully affect flight risk. I’m just saying that we could save bail for those cases instead of throwing it out entirely.

This is where we started from. The point of the $ is to affect the flight risk part. Unless you’re saying it never works (which sounds like that’s almost what jman is saying), then it doesn’t make sense to eliminate it. Similarly, we can also manipulate the flight risk part (e.g. home with ankle monitor).

If you think that the factors are danger to society and flight risk, and you can affect those, then it doesn’t make sense not to do it.

the most lawbro take i’ve ever seen


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Lawyers, even conservative ones, generally don’t want to be in the position to argue for the end of the republic. There is no upside for them.

Watch out @Devil, they’re coming for you

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No fear!


Median bail according to the internets is 10k, is it just on tv where it’s 1/10th of that in cash to a bailsbondsman? How is someone who can’t raise $1000 a flight risk? How is someone who can raise that less of a threat to society than someone who can’t? Cash bail is a way to punish people for being poor and a back-door tax used for municipal services.

Just because you shouldn’t use bail in those cases (and I don’t think you should), doesn’t mean bail never has a function.


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Right, but just because it works in 10% of the cases doesn’t mean it’s doing a good job. How many people do you think are imprisoned before their trial because they can’t come up with bail? These are, by definition innocent people being kept in jail for economic reasons.


The question is if the goal is to a) change the election result, b) appease Trump or c) sow seeds that Biden‘s presidency isn‘t 100% legitimate.

I never said it was doing a “good job”. In fact, I’m quite sure that bail is being done wrong a lot and I have said as much.

I’m just saying that it shouldn’t be eliminated in all cases. There have to be some cases where it serves it’s intended purpose. Just use it in those cases.

Or d) whether there is a goal at all and it’s more than an infant throwing his toy out of the pram.

So what is Powells end game? Just to get a big pro Trump following after this? Because she’s obviously going to come up empty, she’s pissed off every major news network so no chance she gets a job there. Like is she going to start a blog or youtube channel or something?

Not only has she pissed off the networks, she destroyed her legal career, AND she clearly pissed off the Republican party openly accusing Kemp of committing a crime.

Whats the point? Wheres the grift?

The progressive voter’s guide in LA was opposed to eliminating cash bail - at least for the measure that was on the CA ballot in 2020.

Apparently it was either you go free or you get locked up with no bail if you’re deemed too dangerous. Their argument was that decision would become very racially motivated.

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Yes, that is pretty much it. A few places have abolished bail without any noticeable consequences - studies show that people are showing up for trial at about the same rates.

Despite this, law enforcement and the right continue to push the narrative that eliminating bail will result in higher crime due to all the criminals released.


What do they do about say a triple murderer? Is who goes free just based on charge?

You sure?

It’s also possible she’s just a true believer.